Sunday, September 22, 2013 ..................................................................................................................................................Discover Science & Tech 50 Mind Over Matter: Princeton & Russian Scientist Reveal The Secrets of Human Aura & Intentions September 5, 2013 by Joe Martino A Russian scientist has been studying the human energy field and is claiming that people can change the world simply by using their own energy. While this idea is not new, not too many have taken the time to scientifically go about proving such ideas -although the field of quantum physics has shed some powerful light on the topic over the years. Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, professor of physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University, states that when we think positive and negative thoughts, each have a different impact on our surrounding environment. “We are developing the idea that our consciousness is part of the material world and that with our consciousness we can directly influence our world,” said Dr. Konstantin Korotkov. We cannot see energy very easily with the human eye and thus the world of unseen energy can be difficult for the mind to grasp without scientific measurements to verify what is taking place. Perhaps this is why the study of consciousness affecting our reality has been virtually untouched for so long. To help create a bridge between our physical and unseen world, scientific experiments using a technique called bioelectrophotography are being carried out. In these experiments, an assumption must be made that states the human body and consciousness is constantly emitting energy. Following this assumption, Bioelectrophotography aims to capture these energy fields seen as a light around the body. In the metaphysical world this energy emission is known as a person’s aura, while in the scientific field, it is often refereed to as our energy field. Princeton Research Dr. Korotkov is not the only one studying the affects of the human mind, thoughts and energy on our surrounding environment. The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory has also been trying to wrap their heads around the subject and have concluded that the mind does in fact have a subtle capacity to influence the output of devices known as Random Event Generators (REGs). A project that initially started when a student was curious to study the effects of the human mind and intention on the surrounding environment, turned into a rigorous testing lab where Dr. Robert Jahn and his lab assistant spent many hours experimenting to determine whether or not the mind has an affect on our physical world. Jahn and his assistant were able to determine that the human minds interactions with the machines demonstrated a relationship that was not physical in nature. The mind was able to affect and change outcomes of the machine in ways that were beyond explainable. In essence, consciousness was having an affect over the physical world. To determine the affects of the minds intention on the physical world, they built several machines called a random number generator. The machine would essentially mimic a coin flip and record the results over time. The machine performed 200 flips per second and produced an average mean of 100 as one would expect. Left unattended, the machine would continue to produce results that suggested a 50/50 chance of producing either heads or tales. The interesting results came when human intention started to interact with the machine. What was once a random 50/50 chance of producing heads or tales began to deviate from expectation as the observer began to intend for the numbers to be higher or lower. While the affects of the mind over the the machines was not large, it was enough that contemporary physics is unable to explain what exactly is happening. Perhaps this is where the quantum world can shed light? The implications this research could have on humanity is quite fascinating given it could reach into the realms of creating a world of peace, healthy living and joy. If intentions and thoughts can impact something the way it has been demonstrated above, why not explore the boundaries of how far this can go? It is my belief that we create our realities with our thoughts and intentions, I feel science is starting to confirm this and in time we will realize the true power of our minds and intentions. The video below is a very brief synopsis of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory of Princeton University, whose research into mind-matter interaction forms the foundation of Psyleron Technology. Sources: About the author Joe Martino I created CE 4 years ago and have been heavily at it since. I love inspiring others to find joy and make changes in their lives. Hands down the only other thing I am this passionate about is baseball. Feel free to email me at RELATED POSTS The Incredible Influential Power of Music September 19, 2013 by Andy Dilks Russian Scientist Claims to Have Unlocked The Secrets Of Eternal Life September 19, 2013 by Arjun Walia Incredibly Strange Sounds Coming From The Sky in Terrace BC Aug 29th 2013 August 31, 2013 by Joe Martino Exploring The Hidden Breakthroughs of Our Modern World August 29, 2013 by Ethann Fox POPULAR AROUND THE WEB Rare Undersea Discovery Could Extend Your Life by 30 Years Be A Great Kisser In 5 Easy Steps How to Get Macbooks for Under $100 How Cruise Ships Fill Their Unsold Cabins How to Exercise Your Brain to Make It Strong What Happens When You Take a Testosterone Supplement Man Deported For Being Too Hot 5 Incredible Tips for a Sexy Date ? DON'T MISS OUT ON NEW CE CONTENT! CE provides a space for free thinkers to explore and discuss new, alternative information and ideas. The goal? Question everything, think differently, spread love and live a joy filled life. Subscribe Discuss with other free thinkers 50 comments on “Mind Over Matter: Princeton & Russian Scientist Reveal The Secrets of Human Aura & Intentions” Phyllis Francene Livera September 20, 2013 at 8:04 am Yes but you take all the thoughts of the collective consciousness and then you see their influence on everything in the world…could we prevent war and have peace always if everyone thought on peace and wanted it? if we were no longer in fear of anything would that change our environment, our climate, our world? Reply Pingback: Mind Over Matter: Princeton & Russian Scientist Reveal The Secrets of Human Aura & Intentions |Observe the Matrix Pingback: Intention | still. about the whole Older Comments Leave a Reply A quick note before submitting a comment... Collective Evolution welcomes differing viewpoints and thought-provoking opinions that add value to the discussion, but comments may be moderated to remove profanity or remarks that detract from a healthy conversation. For the best interest of the community, please refrain from posting vulgar comments, profanity, or personal attacks. Comments will be reviewed within 12 hours before publishing. - See more at: ........................................................................................................................................................ Session 27 You have said before that the same consciousness may focus into more than one physical body How does that work? ‘Personalities’ in non-physical must therefore be ‘greater’ than personalities in physical. You gave the analogy of an amoeba extending itself to absorb a particle, bit I didn’t really understand that. Does a non-physical being divide itself into ‘pieces’ or is it that just a part of itself focuses into each body? Imagine that on a foggy morning you leave your windows open. When you return from work, the entire house is filled with a fine mist. You may say that the kitchen contains ‘kitchen mist’ and that the living room has ‘living room mist’ and the bedrooms have ‘bedroom mist,’ but it is all the same ‘stuff!’ At the same time, the mist IS experiencing a different environment depending upon where it is situated. Or perhaps you might imagine a pool of water. Now imagine some of the water in the pool flowing in separate streams into smaller basins. Is the water in the pool different from the water in the basins? OK, I see. It’s just a flowing of consciousness from one place to the other. Not even so much as that, as simply an extension of that which flowed. The extensions now get to experience completely differently, then when they unfocus from the body and return, there is a fuller, more expansive being as a result of the new experiences. Ok, so the purpose of the extending is to experience from more and more different viewpoints. Is that how personalities develop? Personalities develop by deciding to BE in a certain way. These different decisions to BE create a unique vibration, which is, of course, changing in every moment as new thought and new decisions come forth. As a being has new experiences, it makes new conclusions or preferences. The difference between personalities, both here and on earth, can be stated by asking the question, ‘What does [___] like?’ The process of changing being–ness and thought occurs both in physical and in non– physical personalities. Non–physical personalities extend into physical bodies and experience further. The whole process is a continual expansion, new decisions about how to be and experience are made all the time, so there is constant changing, constant excitement! Oh, we in non-physical are eager to communicate with others and to experience for ourselves how they are changing, growing, and expanding! It is so much fun and sometimes we just overflow with zest, like the child who knows he is going to get a new bike and he sees something wrapped up in the garage and knows it is for him and he can’t wait to get in there and rip off the packaging! He is just BURSTING with anticipation and enthusiasm! That is how it feels like in non-physical. Wow! I can feel that! I still don’t get what’s so special about earth. For most of us, our time here is spent in disconnection, or in boredom, or in just trying to ‘survive.’ Granted there are many who are creating in wonderful ways, but it seems that so many of us are leading lives of uninteresting monotony. Oh, you have no idea how it is! Those who are living the furthest from their desires are asking, in the most powerful way, that things get better. Remember the beach ball in the swimming pool last summer. You held it underneath the water and then let it go, whereupon it exploded out of the water with a big splash. These intense bursts of desire impinge very strongly within the species consciousness, and are felt throughout the universe! Those who you pity as being stuck are in fact the most powerful creators of change. That’s great for you guys in native state, but I feel sorry for the poor guy in that situation! Granted he is desiring very strongly that things should be better, but at the same time he is not in a position to allow it to come to him. Sounds to me like a lot of sacrificing and suffering of the individual to benefit the whole. No, it is not like that at all… Gotta disagree with you there — we are here in the frying pan and you are out there watching in comfort. We are directly experiencing, whereas you are only focusing into our lives when you desire. Your point of view is similar to a social worker who goes into the life of someone having a bad time, then gets to leave at the end of the day to her nice house in the suburbs. I can assure you, its no fun being the guy who is experiencing all of that, rockets of desire or no! There is something about the physical experience that you can never understand unless you are actually living it. We understand what you are saying, but we want to tell you that you would not miss that experience for anything! This is something we really want you to get –– there is no such thing as losing –– you come to earth from a place of joy and you return to a place of joy and in between you have the opportunity to experience powerfully and deliciously while in your physical bodies. What you experience is up to you, but when you return (‘die’), you will experience the most intense, incredible, powerful, magnificent feeling that you have ever felt, all because of the fact that you were focused so intensely and resisting so strongly. And we have to tell you, there are some who come to earth solely for the experience of returning to native state! The feeling is so delicious, you see! The more disconnected you are on earth, the more powerful the release. And when that release happens –– it is indescribable. It is –– powerfully awesome (words inadequate to express the feeling)! So there is no losing and that is why we celebrate with you when you are most disconnected –– because we know that every one of those powerful yucky experiences not only make the good times that much better, but also will make your transition so much more powerfully positive! Do you see what we are getting at? Damn, Yes I get it. Every time I think I have you guys cold you come up with some twist to make it positive! I have to admit I can feel what you just said — your energy was so powerful there, I can’t wait almost to make my own transition! Well not so fast there –– you still want to accomplish some things. Right! But from our conversations about death I am feeling such a powerful positive energy I can never fear it. Death is something to look forward to, and we mean that very sincerely. Thanks! Postscript After reviewing this session, I feel somehow that they ducked my question! What good does it do the guy who suffers to feel pain so that others may benefit? The answer is that a person experiences and manifests precisely according to his or her choices. That is the long and the short of it. To humans it might seem brutal and unfair, but we assure you that free will and the law of ‘like attracts like’ operate everywhere in the universe, and apply to physical and non–physical beings alike! Thank you. Seems pretty brutal. It is NOT brutal! It is totally fair. Your choices have meaning and determine your experiences. This is the only way to make the playing field equal for ALL beings! OK, I think I understand. Click Here for Next Chapter Click Here for Previous Chapter Conversations with My Higher Self (Free Online Version) – Return to Table of Contents In 2005, he created a second volume of Dialogues which included more questions and answers that he had received since writing the first book. Visit Ken’s website to get the “Conversations With My Higher Self” Full Ebook: => Get the Physical Book of “Conversations with My Higher Self” at => I Highly Recommend that you get the Full Version either the Ebook or Physical Book, after reading PART 1 online for free. I purchased the full version myself! Print Friendly Post to Facebook 132132132132132132132132132 Post to Twitter 111111111 Add to LinkedIn Post to StumbleUpon Add to Reddit Post to Delicious Post to Digg

Saturday, September 7, 2013 .....................................................................................................................................................Russian scientist photographs the soul leaving the body at death The timing of astral disembodiment in which the spirit leaves the body has been captured by Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov, who photographed a person at the moment of his death with a bioelectrographic camera. The image taken using the gas discharge visualization method, an advanced technique of Kirlian photography shows in blue the life force of the person leaving the body gradually. According to Korotkov, navel and head are the parties who first lose their life force (which would be the soul) and the groin and the heart are the last areas where the spirit before surfing the phantasmagoria of the infinite. In other cases according to Korotkov has noted that "the soul" of people who suffer a violent and unexpected death usually manifests a state of confusion in your power settings and return to the body in the days following death. This could be due to a surplus of unused energy. The technique developed by Korotkov, who is director of the Research Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg, is endorsed as a medical technology by the Ministry of Health of Russia and is used by more than 300 doctors in the world for stress and monitoring progress of patients treated for diseases such as cancer. Korotkov says his energy imaging technique could be used to watch all kinds of imbalances biophysical and diagnose in real time and also to show if a person does have psychic powers or is a fraud. This technique, which measures real-time and stimulated radiation is amplified by the electromagnetic field is a more advanced version of the technology developed for measuring Semyon Kirlian aura. Korotkov observations confirm, as proposed by Kirili, that "stimulated electro-photonic light around the tips of the fingers of the human being contains coherent and comprehensive statement of a person, both physically and psychologically." In this video interview Korotkov speaks of the effect in the bioenergy field with food, water and even cosmetics. And emphasizes one umbrella drink water and organic food, particularly noting that the aura of the people in the Undies suffers the negative effects of nutrients as technologization distributed in this society. Korotkov also speaks of their measurements in supposedly loaded with power and influence that people have in the bioenergy fields of others. Checking Rupert Sheldrake's experiment of the feeling of being watched : Because a person's bioenergy field changes when someone else directs his attention, even though it is backwards and not consciously perceived. Also a place fields are altered when there is a concentration of tourists. Also warns of cell phone use and their negative radiation often being carcinogenic, which several studies seem to confirm. Korotkov hosting is optimistic that this new scientific field, which is a pioneer, is taking, especially in Russia, where some schools were teaching children to recognize and use energy, and not as a suspect but as a metaphysical quantifiable fact. 'There is some staggering photographic and video evidence demonstrating some of the technologies, particularly shocking is the Oldfield Camera Filter which using a normal camera appears to show ghosts or other wordly entities clearly in photographs! Truly amazing stuff! Harry, the author of 'Harry Oldfield's Invisible Universe' goes on to demonstrate how through various technologies he is able to reveal aspects of this previously unseen universe in all their glory! Three decades of research into this area and considerable practical application enable Harry to present some very convincing evidence that there is far more to the Universe than that which we currently experience with the 5 senses.' Upload to ... m_blogpost Read more:

Tuesday, September 3, 2013 ................................................................................................................................................ Learning tools ...........................................................................................................................................................Home History Teachers Training Techniques Seminars Store Chinese Emei Training SEARCH THE SITE Emei Techniques - Empowered Objects The Level I book, "The Healing Arts of Emei Qigong," describes the way that all things in nature release energy information and also lists the substances that release superior energy. Even though these substances release superior energy, limiting yourself to using them for healing is insufficient. Doing this would produce a mono-effect, whereas Qigong has always been a three-dimensional healing method. In order to strengthen the power of original substances that are already high in energy, we must further empower them. All Emei Qigong Empowered Objects are empowered by Grandmaster Fu with extraordinary energy through 49 days of exposing them to nearly 5,000 special symbols and mantras that effectively mobilize universal energy. This transforms the single function into a multi-function that produces a swift effect. If we combine several objects with high energy and use them simultaneously, the healing power is magnified even further. High-energy information objects are a medium for healing oneself and others. The biggest difference between these tools and those used in other healing methods is that these objects are highly capable of integrating with energy and spirit. Therefore, the theory behind them and the thinking process employed when using them differs from those associated with traditional medical treatment tools. Using empowered objects for healing depends on psychology and metapsychology. It would be incomplete to ignore the effect of psychology and metapsychology and simply treat these objects as ordinary tools. To a great extent, qi information healing method uses the techniques and principles of suggestion and hypnosis. Suggestion, self-suggestion, hypnosis and self-hypnosis techniques are effective ways to get into the Qigong state. At the same time, however, we must realize that this qi information healing method contains elements that go beyond suggestion and hypnosis. You don't need any special techniques to use qi information healing as long as you know its theory and operational method. This is unlike other healing methods that require professional training to understand and are useful only for treating others. Whether you are using qi information healing method to heal yourself or others, you only need to follow the requirements and get into the balanced state of mindlessness and thoughtlessness. Empowered Jade The empowered jade has the pre-birth and post-birth energies bestowed by the universe as its foundation. It is further empowered by Grandmaster Fu with extraordinary energy through 49 days of exposing it to nearly 5,000 special symbols and mantras. Consequently, the empowered jade is a tremendously powerful object with exceptional efficacy and a wide range of valuable applications. As with all high quality materials, jade absorbs and releases high-quality energy, so jade benefits everyone around it. The difference between the empowered jade and natural jade is that, in addition to its ordinary ability to absorb and release high-quality qi, empowered jade can also absorb negative and evil energy and kill or neutralize it. Empowered jades sometimes turn color in spots after doing serious or constant healing for severe illnesses. This is because the empowered jade has absorbed and is holding a great deal of sick energy and has not yet had time to neutralize it. If you let the jade rest, it will clear itself. There is no need to clean empowered objects. They are all self-cleansing. Empowered Blanket Like the empowered jade, the blanket is also empowered with extraordinary energy through 49 days of exposing it to nearly 5,000 special symbols and mantras that are effective methods to mobilize universal energy. In addition, balanced yin-yang magnetic flakes in the empowered blanket generate a magnetic field. Consequently, it continuously absorbs positive energy from heaven and earth and at the same time emits its miraculous energy. It also absorbs and neutralizes evil and sick energies. The symbols on the empowered blanket are: The universal mantra appears on the first row, both at the top left and right. The symbol "He Tu," representing the pre-birth energy of the universe, is on the left, second row. The symbol "Luo Shu," representing the post-birth energies of yin-yang and the five elements of the universe, is on the right. The pre-birth eight trigrams, symbolizing the status of the pre-birth movements of the universe, are on the left, third row. On the right is the big dipper, representing the changes of all things on earth. A Daoist Tianzun secret talisman for dispelling all evil forces is on the left, fourth row. The Milky Way, representing the countless planetary systems in the universe, is on the right. Empowered Mala Beads Like the jade and blanket, the mala beads have gone through 49 days of empowerment. There are long and short strands of empowered beads. They both have a bead with a tassel attached to it. This bead is the pre-birth energy and it also represents the source of energy. Other than this bead, the long strand has 108 beads (some have three additional smaller beads that divide the strand into equal quadrants) and the short strand has 18 beads. They contain 108 and 18 different levels of post-birth energy information respectively. The long strand of empowered beads is usually worn around the neck or wrapped a few times around the wrist or ankle. The short strand of empowered beads is more suitably worn on the wrist or ankle. Like the other empowered objects, the empowered beads can absorb and release positive energy. They can also absorb and neutralize negative and sick energies. Sometimes one or few beads break without any apparent reason. Upon further investigation, it's easy to notice the connection of catastrophic events with the breaking of the beads. This is because the beads, in reducing the negative effect of the event, have absorbed more negative energy than they can handle. [ Back ] ......................................................................................................................................................... Emei Techniques - Healing Sounds The vital organs of the human body are always playing their own frequencies, or sounds. The sound of the heart is like the sound of a fire burning; the sound of the lungs is like the sound of metal hitting on metal; the sound of the liver is like wood knocking on wood; the sound of the spleen is like stone knocking on stone; and the sound of the kidneys is like the sound of a stream flowing. If we could record the sounds of the vital organs, they would sound like the beautiful music of life. These are the natural sounds and rhythms within the universe of human body. When the human body is healthy, the loud, sonorous, low, deep and reverberating sounds of the vital organs are harmonious, with regular patterns, and are full of rhythms. The harmonic sounds of the vital organs change when one's physiological or psychological state changes. These sounds are like a concert: If some of the instruments are out of tune, the originally harmonic music will suffer changes in frequency, musicality and timbre. The Emei Sacred Healing Sounds are a centuries-old inheritance that has been passed down by Emei Qigong lineage holders. Effects of Practicing the Emei Sacred Healing Sounds 1. Different sounds go directly to their corresponding vital organs and make them vibrate. 2. These sounds use the yin and yang notes to let their energy directly massage the corresponding vital organ. This massage is the massage of the integrative energy of breathing in air and pre-birth energy and is also called internal massage. Whether someone is healthy or sick, another person can massage his or her soft tissues, joints, meridians and acupuncure points, but how can one massage the internal organs? Only internal massage can do this. 3. Through the vibration and massage created by the healing sounds, external symptoms of pain, swelling, numbness, tension, anxiety, worry and so on that result from an internal disease can be relieved or healed. 4. Because practicing healing sounds has to be integrated with breathing exercises, not only do the sounds have a curative effect, they also give the benefits of deep breathing exercises. 5. The healing sounds are combined with breathing to adjust the imbalanced energy fields of the vital organs and stimulate their becoming balanced. 6. According to the "Yin-Yang Grand Theory," the fine essence of liver energy is ascending, heart is descending, spleen is aggregating, lung is opening, and kidney is dispersing. The Emei Sacred Healing Sounds promote the corresponding vital organ's energetic and functional activities. 7. Don't assume that the energy of only one vital organ is out of balance when you have a disease. Normally, an energy disorder of the whole body causes one specific internal organ to lose its balance and then passes on the problem, thus affecting other organs and causing their energy to lose balance too. [ Back ] ...........................................................................................................................................................Empowered Blanket (warning: people with a pacemaker or other metal medical devices in the body should remove the lining (which has magnets) before using the qigong blanket for self-healing) Price: $150 The Empowered Blanket is powerful self-healing tool Designed by Grandmaster Fu, the blanket is embroidered with two empowering mantras and six other exclusive symbols. It has tremendous regenerative universal energy given to it through the empowerment process. Its lining is filled with two rows of balanced healing magnetic buttons. It is one of the most effective healing tools that Grandmaster Fu makes available for everyday applications. It can be used to make qigong water, in self-healing and healing others, in meditation practice and Feng Shui adjustment. Like all the empowered objects used within Emei Qigong, it has undergone the 49-day process of empowerment by Grandmaster Fu and the monks and nuns of the Emei lineage in China. Through this process, it is infused with more than 5,000 ancient symbols and mantras, transforming each object into an extraordinary healing tool. It is 3 ft. x 3.5 ft and has an opening where you can insert a dowel to hang it and a zipper so you can remove the lining and magnets before hand-washing in cold water. Shipping on items priced $100 and over is FREE. ................................................................................................................................................................. Home ...................................................................................................................................................................... History Teachers Training Techniques Seminars Store Chinese Emei Training SEARCH THE SITE Send to a friend Print Page Add to / View Wishlist Write a Review Empowered Blanket Price : $150.00 Stock Status: Out of Stock Designed and empowered by Grandmaster Fu, the lining of the Empowered Blanket is filled with two rows of balanced healing magnetic buttons. The blanket also has two empowering mantras, six exclusive symbols and tremendous regenerative universal energy given to it through the empowerment process. It is one of the most effective healing tools that Grandmaster Fu makes available for everyday applications. It can be used to make qigong water, in self-healing and healing others, in meditation practice and Feng Shui adjustment. It is 3 ft. x 3.5 ft and has an opening where you can insert a dowel to hang it and a zipper so you can remove the lining and magnets before hand-washing in cold water. Warning: People with a pacemaker or other metal medical devices in the body should remove the magnets before using the Qigong Blanket for self-healing Note: Instructors' prices were discontinued in July, 2004. Reviews on this item Chris Medina: This is an excellent blanket to balance your Qi or just give yourself a recharge. I use it on my lower back for pain management. Click to view All Reviews