Friday, June 21, 2013
Permanently Remove Pimple Scars
Face Full of Pimple Scars??? Feeling Depressed?
You are not alone! In fact, everyone goes through this stage in their lives. Unfortunately, so many teenagers and young adults with problems of Pimples are seriously misinformed by marketing and sales gimmicks. They end up hopping from product to product, without seeing any significant or lasting result and finally end up battling acne for many years, with nothing but deep depressed scars to show for it.
After this depressing battle, you’re then left with a long period of recovery. Unfortunately for many, the recovery is incomplete, and you are left with rough skin, open pores, ice pick scars, rolling scars, box car scars and pigmented or purple scars.
Many people do not realize that there is actually very effective treatments for scars available!
Here are a few important facts about Acne Scars which you need to know about.
Important Fact No 1: Your doctor is the person best equipped to deal with Pimple Scars.
Stop spending thousands in beauty salons and hopping from one treatment to another. Only a doctor can administer EVIDENCE BASED TREATMENTS that have been medically researched to improve your skin. Acne scar treatment is a complex topic with varying types of treatments. You can only improve with a TREATMENT REGIMEN THAT IS CUSTOMISED TO YOUR SKIN.
Important Fact No 2: Acne Scars CAN BE COMPLETELY TREATED using the CORRECT equipment and Treatments.
There are 1001 different lasers and treatment machines in the market which claim to improve acne scars and Pimples. From our years of testing and experience treating patients, we have selected as part of our protocol ONLY 3 MACHINES which are extremely effective in treating Acne Scars. Many patients who have gone through this protocol have been SUCCESSFULLY TREATED and now have GREAT LOOKING SKIN.
Important Fact No 3: Acne Scars Should Improve with Every Treatment.
With our treatments that have been curated and selected for their efficacy, YOU WILL SEE RESULTS WITH EVERY TREATMENT. Acne scars cannot be treated overnight. Just like it took many years to develop a face full of scars, it also takes many months to treat them. I have encountered many patients who have spent months with other treatments, to finally have NO RESULT. Depending on the depth of the scars, a number of treatments may be necessary to achieve a good final result.
Don’t Leave Your Skin Full of Pitted And Depressed Scars!
Your skin is important to you. In this day and age, appearance is more and more important in society. Having a great complexion is an asset.
With the advent of technology, NEW OPTIONS are now available to sufferers of acne scars. Compared with other conventional treatments like full laser resurfacing and dermabrasion, our treatments are lower downtime, safer and less painful.
Call us NOW to get treated and regain your great looking complexion
CALL 62218221 for an appointment
How Do We Treat Pimple Scars?
We make no secret of the treatments which we use to improve your scars. Our custom tailored protocol may include:
1. Fractional Radiofrequency Treatment – Infini by Lutronic
Fractional RF is excellent for very deep scars. With RF, the depth of treatment can be up to 3.5mm deep, providing the maximal result from a non-invasive treatment. The RF treatment has an added advantage of lifting the face, making one look younger. After developing the protocol for this treatment known as Infini for the last 1.5 years, and using it on many pimple scar patients, I am now absolutely convinced that this is the single best treatment for depressed acne scars. I have tried eMatrix, eTwo, Scarlet, Intracel, Sciton Profractional, Fraxel, Pixel, and many other treatments purported to improve acne scars. Some work some don’t work so well, but this is the treatment I have found to be very consistent in producing obvious and significant improvements to skin. I had a lady who came to me for moderate acne scarring and after 4 treatments her face is smooth and almost scar free. Not everyone achieves this kind of result, but it is impressive to say the least. I used to think that deep acne scars would never have this kind of result, but this has redefined my thinking about acne scar treatments.
2. Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment
Fractional CO2 excels at treating depressed acne scars. The depth of treatment for CO2 laser is up to 1.5mm deep, and has the bonus of making skin fairer and giving it a radiant glow. For the more budget conscious, this is a great option. Used alone for superficial scars, or in conjunction with Infini, the results are excellent.
3. Q-switched Nd:YAG Laser
The Q-switched laser excels at lightening pigmented and vascular scars. Often, scars are purple or brown, making acne look worse than it actually is. Once it is effectively lightened with the laser, skin looks noticeably clearer. This laser also gives skin a nice glow and smoothness. This laser has no downtime and is not very painful. Hence, it is well tolerated by almost all of my patients and they can pop in to the clinic, do the treatment and get back to work after that. Performed at an interval of once every 2-4 weeks, the scar lightening is accelerated.
4. Scar lightening peels and creams
We make use of a combination of peels and creams which can lighten scars and promote healing. In particular, I like to use Cosmelan to really lighten pigmented acne scars. Cosmelan only helps a little for pitted or depressed scars, but for pigmented scars, it is very effective.
5. Subcision and Fillers
For certain very deep scars, we make use of subcision to free the scars deep attachments and add some filler to get an immediate lifting of the scar. In needle subcision, we make use of a fine needle to go under the scar to break up the tight collagen bands under the skin. This frees up the deep attachments to allow the skin to flatten and elevate. Subcision is a double edged sword and should be used only selectively. This is because the trauma of the procedure may actually result in a worse scar being formed instead.
About Dr Chow Yuen Ho, MBBS
Dr Chow Yuen Ho graduated from Medical School in National University of Singapore in 1999 and has a special interest in aesthetics and skincare. He trained in Singapore General Hospital Department of Dermatology and started TCS at Central Clinic, an aesthetic and cosmetic surgery clinic at The Central at Clarke Quay. He has been treating patients with acne for over a decade and has developed his protocol which he finds is suitable for oily Singaporean and tropical skin types.
Dr Chow suffered from severe acne during his younger days. It was only after he consulted with a doctor that his acne was successfully treated. He has undergone several laser treatments to improve his acne scars, and hence the treatment of acne and pimple scars is an area of special interest for him.
Do DIY Treatments Work?
Unfortunately not for all types of scars. Certain lightening creams may work on pigmented scars and purple scars, but for depressed scars, it is safe to say that most DIY treatments do not work well. In addition, there are some self peel kits available on the internet which may potentially cause serious burns to the skin. Patients are well advised to steer clear of self administered AHA/BHA/PHA peels of high concentrations for safety reasons.
How Long Will I Take to See Results?
We are confident that you will see improvements WITH EVERY TREATMENT. You do not need a course of treatments to see improvements. For patients who are younger and do not smoke, their skin will heal faster. Hence they see results sooner than others.
To get complete healing of scars, typical healing times may be between 3 months to as many as 12 months for patients with deep scars. We cannot guarantee complete healing of scars, as everybody’s skin varies. However, we are confident of a marked improvement in the skin.
Call us NOW to get treated and regain your great looking complexion
CALL 62218221 for an appointment
Important note: The Ministry of Health of Singapore does not allow the publishing of before and after photographs and patient testimonials in advertising materials. We try our best to respect and abide by all MOH guidelines on advertising and would be happy to show you more photographs and pictures from our delighted patients when you come in for a consultation.
Charles on February 23, 2012 at 5:30 am said:
Hi, I have a problem of just slight depressed scars, after my teenage years. Can this be treated. I’m now past 30, and the scars seem to be getting worse.
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on February 23, 2012 at 5:33 am said:
Hi Charles, slight depressed scars respond well to fractional CO2 laser treatment. The reason why the scars are getting deeper with age is because as we age, our skin loses collagen and this is more pronounced below the scars. Therefore, we can suggest fractional CO2 treatment which breaks some of the scar tissue, and stimulates your skin to produce new collagen. This has a double effect on making your skin smoother with less scars, as well as looking significantly younger. One treatment is enough to see a result, with best results usually after several treatments.
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on March 31, 2013 at 4:02 am said:
I hv a few small puffy scars on my nose and I would like know to know if theres any cure for it. I would like to know the rate of the cost too. Thank you.
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on May 9, 2013 at 1:45 am said:
Yes these puffy scars can be injected with steroid to flatten them, or shaved off with a CO2 laser.
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on June 13, 2013 at 6:05 pm said:
May i know the cost for the steriod injection and the co2 laser?
on June 4, 2013 at 4:55 pm said:
Hi, i’m 17 and ever since I was in secondary schools until now, my pimples can’t stop popping out and there’s a lots of blemishes on my forehead and my chin. What’s the solution to cure it? ):
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on June 6, 2013 at 7:35 am said:
Acne Creams are needed. We will adjust the type of cream based on your severity and condition of the skin, as well as the type of acne, whether it is comedones, papules, pustules, nodules or cysts. These creams are not available over the counter and need a doctor’s prescription. For the blemishes, many of my patients are grateful for the use of a Nd:YAG laser which speeds the healing of the blemishes. I use a cream that has a synergistic effect with the lasers to further enhance the resolution of the acne blemishes.
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Saravanan on March 13, 2012 at 4:45 am said:
Hi I am Saravanan
working in Marine industry in singapore
I would like to know the rate for acne scar removal
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on March 22, 2012 at 4:22 am said:
Treatments range between 280 for Q-switched Yag Laser treatments, to $480 for fractional CO2 treatments. A customised plan is recommended and we will suggest that for you during your consultation.
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Zen on March 25, 2012 at 4:21 pm said:
Hi, I’m Zen.
Schooling. I’ve got scar, should be considered ice pick.
I’d like to know the rates for curing this type of scars & usually how many session is needed for it.
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on March 30, 2012 at 7:05 am said:
Ice pick scars may respond fastest with subcision first, followed by many sessions of fractional CO2 laser or fractional Radiofrequency treatment. Subcision costs between $100 – $1000 depending on how many scars you have. Fractional treatment starts at $480 per session. Usually for ice pick scars many treatments are needed as they are the deepest and hardest to treat.
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Chen on March 28, 2012 at 3:47 pm said:
Hi Dr Chow
I like to know there is a PPX Pro Equipment in the market which claim that any skin problem(acne/pigmentation/Brown spot) can be treated also very safe and painless.
Can we actually compare with IPL.
May i know what treatment is good for pimple mark and pigmentation?
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on March 30, 2012 at 6:57 am said:
For pimple scars, I like to recommend a no-down time treatment. We usually use a Q-switched ND:YAG laser (also commonly called Medlite), to improve skin tone, lighten scars and blemishes. A course of 5 monthly sessions is necessary.
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Chen on March 28, 2012 at 3:51 pm said:
Hi Dr Chow
Can I also like to know about what are the NO DOWN TIME treatment for uneven skin tone.
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on March 30, 2012 at 6:55 am said:
For No down time, we usually use a Q-switched ND:YAG laser (also commonly called Medlite), to improve skin tone, lighten scars and blemishes. A course of 5 monthly sessions is necessary.
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Ed on May 29, 2012 at 10:15 pm said:
I’ve scarrings as seen on the top picture of this page and would like to know if they can be removed. If yes, what kind of treatment is recommended and could you advise the estimated cost of treatments. Thanks.
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on May 30, 2012 at 3:24 am said:
Yes they can be removed. If they are not too deep, usually fractional CO2 laser treatment is used. There are many generation of Fractional CO2 lasers and the more recent ones give better results with less pain and down time. Each session costs $480 in a package of 5. Ala-carte is $600 each. Results are also very dependent on how experienced and aggressive the operator of the laser is. We are able to share with you on how to maximise results with less treatments, but a lot depends on the downtime that you can afford, as the skin will be red for a couple of days. I also have a treatment utilizing fractional RadioFrequency which is useful for deeper scars. This is an excellent treatment with good results and less downtime. Finally for this gentleman in the picture, he had some ice-pick scars, which usually does not respond to lasers or radiofrequency. We will suggest subcision or excision for these patients.
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kath on June 26, 2012 at 6:40 am said:
I have visited many doctors and dermatologist for my pimples, pitted spots, uneven skin tones,,, i spent soo much xash on treating my face until i gave up,,, i just want to knw is there are permanent cure by treating inside and outside,,,
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on June 30, 2012 at 1:35 pm said:
Yes and No. Depending on your condition, the final result can vary. It took you many years to make those scars, it will also take you many months to treat them. Some patients are able to see good improvements, but if you are seeking perfection, this may not be possible if your acne scars are very bad. This is the reason why I prefer to treat acne before the scars have formed. It’s a lot easier to prevent than treat. That said, all may not be lost. Drop by and we can advise you if your scars are treatable or not, and to what extent.
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cheche on June 27, 2012 at 9:57 am said:
I had many scars on my legs some are depressed and some are just pigmented. I really really wanted to wear skirts and shorts outside but i can’t. I wanted to know how would you go about it? If fractional CO2 laser is also the treatment, how much is the rate per area/leg? what is the interval of each session? and how much do i have to pay initially? please… I’m so tired of wearing pants and long skirts. I tried chemical peeling and whitening tablets before.thank you.
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on June 30, 2012 at 1:26 pm said:
Leg scars heal three times to four times as slowly as scars on the face. Therefore, you should expect to be spending a lot more time treating leg scars than on face scars. A good example is when we do operations. Operations on the face can have stitches taken out on the 5th day, but on the legs, it can take as long as 20 days before the stitches can come off safely. That said, the treatment of scars can still be done on the leg. I commonly treat pigmented scars on the legs with a YAG laser, and in combination with the fractional CO2 laser. The scars are usually darker in the first few weeks of treatment, but lighten up gradually over the following months. Monthly treatment is expected to see good results.
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on August 18, 2012 at 1:50 pm said:
Hi again. thank you for the response. Can u tell me how much is the YAG laser and fractional CO2 laser? Is this a once a month treatment? thanks!
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Jessy on July 2, 2012 at 3:13 am said:
I need advice on skin care.. i tried lots a creams fro my skin.. years
ago had this chicken pox so that scar turn to dark sports, i tried
various kinda of whitening cream n beauty soap but my skins gets
dry..more worst if mosquito bits i get that black spot.. argh..
I visit dermatologist but the tablets they give for a year i don’t see
any difference at all..
my friend recommend few lotion but my skin gets darker!! i got no idea
what to do? i don’t wanna waste ton of cash on beauty places it’s
nothing works.. my confidence level is getting lower i dun wear shorts
or skirts at all. as scar all over my legs as i was active in sports
during school days.
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