The SafeFlame device generates hydrogen and oxygen gases using just water and an electrical input. These gases can be combusted in a brazing torch and offer advantages as an alternative to oxy-acetylene and oxy-propane.
SafeFlame technology comprises three separate features which together represent a major advance in the industry.
- The oxygen and hydrogen are generated separately, and their mixture is controlled to deliver a precise stoichiometric, oxidising or reducing flame – an innovation offering unique benefits in brazing applications.
- The length of the flame and the heat flux imparted to the work piece can be adjusted instantaneously by adjusting the power input to the electrolyser stack – this provides a more flexible and user friendly solution.
- The SafeFlame approach eliminates the need for any stored gases, removing explosion hazards and improving process portability.
Key features:
- High flame temperature, high heat flux but uniform heat transfer
- Quiet operation, silent flame
- Powered from a standard 230V electricity supply
- Easy to use
- Very simple to operate
- Excellent quality joints can be achieved easily
- Less likely to overheat or melt work-pieces
- Manoeuvrable, portable, transportable
- Inherently safe
- Easily seen flame
- Burner remains cool to touch
- Ultra low emissions
- No gas cylinders on site
- No flashback, lift-off or explosion hazards
- No danger to fire service personnel
- Suitable for brazing numerous materials
- Copper, aluminium, steel
- HVACR, automotive and aerospace applications
- Flame stoichiometry can be adjusted
- Low running costs
- Very low electricity costs for typical brazing operations
- Very low water consumption rate
- Good payback periods compared with oxy-acetylene
- Avoids the insurance costs associated with transporting gas cylinders
- Avoids the downtime costs of obtaining/changing gas cylinders
- No need to buy oxygen
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