What would you do if you could heal yourself with just your thoughts?
Quantum healing relies on this principle. Although it is a relatively new form of medicine, it is based on the ancient Hindu practice of Ayurveda, which is a natural approach to healing and the prolonging of life. Within this philosophy, each and every person is seen as having these inherent sources of energy and healing is fully dependent on restoring energetic imbalances. Total health is achievable for everybody, so long as they are open to accessing their own energy. The main tenet of it states that an individual can heal himself or herself by changing or shifting the fields of energy that surround the mind and body. As a higher and more powerful source of energy, the mind is capable of healing the body.
Quantum Healing & The Chakras
On the other hand, chakras can become weak, closed, or imbalanced – resulting in the development of illness. Without focusing any attention on your energy, you won’t be able to heal yourself properly. Or, you might struggle with recurring problems. For some it can seem as though they never get a break from health issues, or they’re constantly at war with themselves from the inside. These are obvious signs of an energetic disturbance. Of course, through quantum healing people are able to really address these disturbances and focus on getting well again.
Anyone interested in learning more about their body’s energy, and how it can be used to inspire healing, should first find out if they are experiencing some sort of chakra imbalance.
Do you have an energetic imbalance?
Take the Free Chakra Test to find out more.
How Does It Work?
There are several ways to go about applying the principles of this healing method, although all of them rely on opening the chakras. Meditation is one of the most popular ways to go about opening a deficient chakra center. When you train yourself to meditate, you have a great amount of control over your thoughts. You don’t let distracting thoughts intrude and you’re not susceptible to negative thoughts. A person who has such control over his or her mind can easily target energy from positive thinking towards the area of need. When this is done properly it is an effective way to restore the energy from that chakra center, and of course healing will follow.
If you suspect you have an energetic imbalance, the best thing to do is to find out and target it immediately. Even if you are unsure, it can’t hurt to identify whether or not you have a weak or closed chakra – if you don’t take the time to do it now it will most likely manifest itself some time later. Quantum healing can help you heal yourself, all you have to do is take the first step.
Find out if you have an energetic imbalance.
Take the Free Chakra Test!