Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hey people, do you think it's possible?

Pls read this :,4136,41427,00.html

This part reprinted here:

?Bomoh blamed it on a spirit

SHE had part of her leg amputated. She's spent much of the last six years in a wheelchair.

She is often ill and in pain.

But she has had two healthy babies in this time.

Yet, she looks after herself, raises her four children and manages a household.

Madam Jamaliah began to have high fevers, aching joints and rashes when she was 10.

But, more than 20 years ago, lupus was not as well-understood as it is now.

Her father had died from diabetes. Her mother, a part-time cook, had 13 children to look after.

'I ended up going from one bomoh (medicine man) to another. They all said it was a spirit that had entered my body,' she said in Malay.

'No-one understood what was wrong with me. If I went to a doctor, they could only give me pills to treat the pain.'

Her condition went undiagnosed until she was 17. By then, it was too late.

Six years ago, Madam Jamaliah accidentally scalded the sole of her foot while riding pillion on a motorcycle.

'It was a small wound, about the size of a 10-cent coin. But it didn't heal properly and became pus-filled,' she said.

Gangrene set in. Eventually, her right leg had to be amputated below the knee, leaving her confined to a wheelchair.

She tried using crutches but found them too difficult to handle. Now, her left leg is very weak.

Recently, she developed a urinary tract infection, so she now has to use a catheter when she goes to the bathroom.

'When I lost my leg, I nearly gave up. I was afraid to go out of the house. I was embarrassed, thinking everybody would look at me in a wheelchair,' she confessed.

So is she just unlucky to be the one of the 4000 people in Singapore suffering from this disease called LUPUS, or was the work of s spirit. Was she cursed in certain ways?

Have anyone ever heard of someone who suffered as a result of a curse laid on him/her

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