Let me share what is Demonic Possession.........
From newspapers, books, and movies to the pulpit, secondhand stories and urban legends, we have all at least heard about cases of people, animals, and even inanimate objects supposedly inhabited by evil forces such as demons. Some have had firsthand encounters with this phenomena and can attest to these events. There are even "expert" exorcists who specialize in banishing evil forces.
What exactly is demonic possession? What are these evil forces and how do they possess another being or object? How can these things be banished? How can such events be prevented in the first place?
There is a current of energy that roams about in the cosmic creative level in the universe. It is this connection which comes into our lives and works through us. This is part of the natural god-stream which is a neutral force that can be forged into the experiences in our lives depending on where our thoughts lie. This creative energy puts us on the path to what we will experience. Such energy is neither good nor bad, pure or wicked, it just is what it is.
Take electricity as an example. We know that electricity is a very powerful form of energy. It is not capable of reason or moral judgment. It is just a source of energy that can be manipulated by those who choose to use it.
With electricity one could do good things like light up a room, keep groceries cold, heat up your dinner, start a car, and save your life. When people who do have the capacity of reason and moral judgment use the energy force of electricity in good ways, then we do not think of it as an evil force, but praise the people who made the electricity available in a user friendly manner. Electricity is not considered pure or good, but a useful energy force.
On the other hand, a person with the capacity to use their reason and moral judgment chooses to use electricity to torture, maim or kill another person or animal, we may consider the person evil, but how can we really call electricity itself evil? Likewise, we may being doing something without much thought which brings about electric current in ways that are unwanted. Electricity works on specific laws and if you wander into areas you should not with it, you can be hurt or killed, not because electricity is evil, but because it follows its own specific laws. Just as if you jumped off the cliff the law of gravity will push you down which does not make the law of gravity evil, it is what it is.
The creative energy force colours the world we see to bring into our lives what we think about most. If we view people as being mean, cold, distant and untrustworthy, this creative force will blind you from seeing anything but your view of the world and block out a completely different experience you could have by changing your thoughts. Anyone who does not share your thoughts will not see what you see.
Or take the example of people experiencing war, disease, poverty and hunger. There is no doubt this occurs. We all see it on the news and hear about it. But exactly what is the message we hear? One of bleak, hopelessness without an end in sight. As a result, the problem is reflected by the majority of the population. Instead, if the reports were that this is a problem that could be solved and there is hope, people could come up with workable solutions to end the problem to the satisfaction of all involved. One path closes all of our minds to the possibilities of ending it while the other opens our minds to come up with a solution.
If you are in a bad situation and it seems that everything is going against you and you will never get out, what happens is you have closed your creative mind to the answer out because you have locked it out as being hopeless and it will continue bringing you more of what you see and intensify if you manually try to dig your way out. On the other hand, if you change your mind and acknowledge there is a workable solution to your problem and it will come to you, then you have opened your mind to new possibilities that you have not blocked out before that can help you.
Demonic possession is merely the same aspect of misusing this creative energy to bring about a fearful experience based upon your own superstitions and religious dogma as well as fear of the unknown. It is not that there is an intelligent force with the capacity for moral judgment has moved in on someone or something. It is a creative energy that comes from those who conjured it.
In other words, to have a demonic possession it has to be invited there by the one who wants to believe it. The person or object is totally unaffected by an intelligent force from without, but from their own mind.
A person in the past who suffered from mental illness that heard voices or saw things which were not there used to be considered possessed by demons. Why? Fear and ignorance. Before modern medical science which could point out that mental illness is a result of misfiring of neurotransmitters in the brain, people had no idea why these victims could not just behave normally. There was also a popular fear brought on by the churches who perpetuated the idea of demonic possession in order to control their flock. If anything that could not be explained in the holy works were to occur then it was attributed to something designed to get god's people away from the right path which was the church. With people kept in fear and ignorance, many have been wrongly accused of demonic possession or witchcraft by narrow-minded points of view that could not conceive of another explanation.
However, there are still people trapped in the mentality of older times. They are stuck in this fear cycle over something they cannot understand. They will still treat the mentally ill as if they were possessed by demonic forces. They still accuse those who do not follow their particular path as being led around by demons. And they strongly believe in demonic possession. These are the people, these are the ones who are the only targets who will ever experience demonic possession. Those who absolutely hold no belief or fear of such a thing in even the most remote part of their minds, they will never experience it.
This "demonic" force is all part of the neutral god-stream that creates the experiences of what we think about. If you use this force to create a "demonic" experience, that is what you will get. Many choose to unwittingly use this force to create the experience in something they do not understand or fear and it is amplified by others with similar ignorance and fear of a person or object which give this creative stream more power to manifest itself.
Take a ouija board as an example. It is merely a wooden or cardboard surface with numbers, letter, a "yes" and "no", along with whatever artwork the manufacturer wants to imprint upon it. Anyone could create their own board out of common items. Even if you were to just get a piece of paper from the usual stack of paper you use normally, it can be changed into a ouija board without any ritual, magic spell, or incantation to make it do what it was meant to do.
The vast majority who own it view it merely as a party game. In and of itself, it is just a parlor game. Participants in the game are in fact doing a psychologically proven exercise. We are almost always drawn to the leader of a group and our general circle of friends usually hold the same beliefs and common thoughts. The alpha-member of the group is usually the one from which most in the group on some level seeks approval, as a result they are easily led into going with the group. When a question is presented to the group, everyone with the similar mind set already has the same basic answer which is confirmed by alpha-member which has the stronger hand while the followers allow themselves to be led to the "answer".
There is absolutely no outside force behind a ouija board. It is merely a game. Nothing more, nothing less...unless you want to believe in an evil force behind a concept you do not understand.
When this game was invented, to propel curiosity and make sales rise, it was said to give answers from the spirit world. This certainly gave it a rise in curiosity and made sales. The claim was no more true than many commercial claims, but it became ingrained on the imagination of those who heard about it. Of course, religious groups which strongly believed in demonic possession and no one should ever try and contact spirits caught on to the popular toy and warned their members not to play with it and instilled in them the belief that their souls could be possessed by evil forces.
What do you think happened? Reports came in from only the believers that someone they loved was playing the game only to be possessed. One story grew into many stories which perpetuated the belief that if you owned a ouija board you risked demonic possession. This belief became mainstream and turned up in the media so that even the non-religious which were highly suggestible could also experience this possession. On the other hand, skeptics have used it to solve the so-called mystery of the ouija board to find out the real reason why the answers come to the participants and it was not because of an evil force, but because of people with much in common are being led by someone in their own group. Since then, most rational people know the secret and either still play the game for fun or laugh it off as a waste of time. This group does not get possessed by demonic forces.
It is only those who believe in that possibility who get swept up in that creative stream. It is because they approach a ouija board with a preconceived notion based on ignorance and fear that their creative energy conjures up their own demons. Only those who acknowledge it will experience it. One can create evil where it was not before. One creates evil that others cannot see, feel, hear or believe. That does not mean it does not exist, but it exists in the minds of those who believe it. And those who act upon such fearful ignorant beliefs tend to do irrational acts and can act in evil ways themselves.
Take Adolf Hitler as an example. He, like many in Europe at the time believed that Jews were evil, subhuman and manipulative people set out to destroy and conquer the world. The fact was most of the Jews in Europe were just trying to survive as everyone else. Some had prominent jobs and had plenty of money, some were dirt poor and others were between the two extremes. However, in a large Christian society that tried hard to not understand anything outside of their world developed phobias of those who were different. Those who were different made perfect scapegoats. This deeply held belief among many empowered Hitler to bond with this common mentality to help him rise to the top. It was based on his highly held belief of a solution that he decided to do the only rational thing his creative mind could come up with - to exterminate all the Jews.
As long as people wish to remain fearful and ignorant of what they do not understand and not bother coming up with rational uses of the creative mind, this type of thing will always occur. However, if people are taught to think in better, higher ways, this problem could be eliminated. Ignorance, fear and superstition keep one's mind from thinking in higher ways.
With demonic possession, unless you invite in the experience it will have no effect on you.
There is a woman I know who is a wonderful, friendly, and hospitable person. She loves people and would do anything to help them if they were in need. Considering her education, which was lackluster, she is pretty smart. However, there is a dark side to her personality that a few people have encountered.
Although she is smart, she was raised with all kinds of superstitions and taught to be fearful of things she does not understand. She met up with a religious group that shared those exact beliefs. This group goes around perpetually fearful of anything they do not understand and accuse people and objects of being filled with demonic influence and will not be calmed until that force is expelled. She will ask fellow members with the same belief to make confirmation of the demonic influence which perpetuates in their minds before they approach it that it is already possessed and they confirm the experience. Then they must exorcise the demons and/or burn the object in order to feel safe.
Mind you, many times these are things that unbelievers have in their homes that have caused them no thoughts of discomfort until they brought it to their attention. At that point they will either conform to the group mentality or be silently, but quietly annoyed with this invasion of nonsense.
How exactly do the so-called expert exorcist banish demons? To begin with, they work only on those who believe that the exorcist has the power to rid them of demonic manifestation. They put their belief on the ability of someone else to free them of something they do not believe they could do themselves. These are all people who believe in the upside down world that experience starts from without instead of from within. Because the exorcist approaches the "victim" with confidence and authority, they can feel safe to let go the idea of demonic possession because in effect the exorcist gives them permission and a blessing to move on. It is truly a con game.
It is the people who have the capacity of reason and moral judgment who bring about what they experience. One can look at an object and think nothing of it. Another can look at an object and think it brings luck and good fortune. Yet another can look at the same object and fear it as evil. All would be correct because they are bringing about what they think which is influencing the creative force. Most who create an evil experience do so out of ignorance. Knowing this, why on earth would you purposely choose it? You can at any time decline to choose it.
In order to master the demonic control issue, you have to see it for exactly what it is - your own creative manifestation based on fear, superstition, and ignorance. To banish your demonic experience approach it without fear. Look directly at it and know you are more powerful than your manifestation. You brought it into existence and you can make it vanish. Understand why you felt the need to create such an experience and realize it has no control over you, but you have control over it.
Once you do all this, you will have mastered control over that aspect of your creative will. You will discover there is no need to fear anyone or anything.
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