Friday, August 2, 2013
These are crystals recently discovered in South Africae. They have tiny crystals covering the entire shaft of the crystal. They occur as Quartz, Citrine, and Amethyst. They are quite unlike any other crystal configuration we have seen, and I was immediately drawn to them.
My personal impression of the Amethyst Spirit Quartz in particular has been first its attraction. I was literally drawn to it across a room where I first saw it. It envelopes one in what I would describe as the highest "love." It immediately activates and opens the crown chakra. It opens one to self-forgiveness, self-love, and a feeling that "everything's alright!" in the sense that the universal truth is Love itself, and brings awareness that we are destined for that Love, and do indeed exist in that Love right now. It gives one a feeling of "bubbling over" with abundance. An almost giddy feeling, as if you are at once young again as a child, but at the same time retaining the wisdom you have acquired throughout your life. The crystals have an energy of the perfect balance of duality - as in youth/maturity as I just described, and also male/female - the important aspect of this duality not being the manifestation of two opposites, but rather the perfection that can be found in the balance of the two. A single crystal exhibits more energy emanating from the shaft covered in tiny crystals, than it does at the tip. If you get one, place a single crystal in the palm of your hand and allow it to roll gently back and forth, and you'll see what I mean!
Melody, author of the Love is in the Earth series, has done extensive readings of these crystals, and here is her assessment, provided to us by the owner of the mine and Melody. We encourage each and every one of you who has an interest in the spiritual aspects of stones to acquire Melody's books, whether from us or another source. She has been tirelessly devoted to the subject for years, and is by far the best authority on the metaphysical aspects of stones. We greatly appreciate all the work she has done, and the information she provides - so we encourage you to expose yourself to her wisdom, and support her work! The following writing by Melody has been freely distributed to those of us in the trade, and does not yet appear in any publications since this is a newly discovered crystal. That is another reason we encourage you to purchase her books, because of her generosity and love.
Spirit Quartz is a most enchanting crystal that I have worked with.
This crystal can be used in meditation to provide insights into family and/or community problems. It is also estimable for those employed by organizations that assist others (eg teachers, hospitals, etc.); the energy helps to stimulate a group cohesiveness and a willingness to work together. It also assists in bringing the "group" energy of other crystals to the surrounding environment, enhancing harmony and peace in groups, in the family, and in other social and/or business environments. The crystal is a wonderful companion when one is experiencing the loss of a loved one, bringing understanding of the process and assisting in transition (for both.)
It has also been used via placement in the center of a group, while the group is invlolved in healing or spiritual issues, in order to facilitate the connection with the energy between all memebers. It is quite useful in healing configurations (see Love is in the Earth: Laying-on-of-Stones), to generate the abundance of energy available.
Spirit Quartz has also been used to increase both physical and intellectual fertility.
It appears that the energy generated by Spirit Quartz is directly proportional to the number of crystals which overlay the single (or multiple) crystal(s).
It has also been used to activate and to cleanse other minerals, to enhance and to increase the energy of other minerals, and to activate the properties of the same. It has also been used to enhance the energy transfer of other minerals to stimulate healing on all levels. It can also be used to stimulate the manifestation of "abundance" in ones life (abundance on the sense of "more" of something-directing the energy of the Spirit Quartztoward that which is desired and has been shown to facilitate an increase in that which is manifested.) The energy is multi-functional; energy moves outward in many directions and this Quartz structure has the capacity to draw or transmit energy through many paths provided by the crystals coivering the main structures. It is quite useful for energy magnificationand for stimulating all portions of the phsyical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and sublte bodies. With this mineral, the stimulation which occurs is both understood and is focused with an advanced energy of discernment and awareness. It has been used to cleanse the chakras, and to supplant any voids and/or negative energies which are contained, with positive radiant white light.
This crystal has also been used to rectify localized energy disturbances. It acts to dissipate the disturbance and to replace any disorganized energy with a stable, reliabel energy which discourages further disorder.
Spirit Quartz has been used for astral projection and for dreaming. Palcing one or more under your pillow at night can increase and intensify the dream state. These crystals are also excellent for use in meditation.
Spirit Quartz can also be used to assist in providing one protection from mental and physical harm, and to assist one in mainting a field of protection.
It symbolizes patience and perserverance; this is quite important during healing situations.
In addition, Spirit Quartz has been used to move sickness from the body to a location which transforms the disorder from negativity to positive energy. The process includes working with the crystal similarly to working with a laser wand - using spiral rotation and pulling the sickness form the body.
It has also been used to elevate ones sense of self-worth, and to relieve one of difficult memories from the past - the "ridding" is such that the memory is there and shows the positive benefit derived from the experience; the memory, however, is not foremost in the mind, and hence, the focus is directed to the positive (eg. karmic connections have been determined with respect to events which have occurred in ones life.)
Spirit Quartz has also been used to facilitate acsension, providing for a viewing of ones life on this plane (during this lifetime). It can be used during "re-birthing" sessions to enhance ones understanding of both the blockages which are removed and the reasons for which they existed.
It both opens and activates the crown chakra, and assists one to channel desire toward the "proper" goals, assisting one to adjust and to be comfortable in all situations. Again, it tends to remove "fear."
It has been used to provide for a smooth transition fromt he beta to the alpha level, where extra-sensory perception is stimulated and brings the spirituality of the higher planes into the healing ceremonies while focusing the energy deep within the "essence" of the matter, i.e. the energy is directed to the "center" of the cell, to the "heart" of the center of the etheric body, where re-structuring of the physical, mental, or emtotional disorders can occur. Spirit Quartz has also been shown to provide protection of ones inner structure!
It is an excellent configuration for transmission of directional energy. In situations of physical healing, it has further served to return the healing energy to the user. It allows one to see the duality of ones nature, rectifying the negative and building the positive. It has been shown to assist one in "visioning", meditation and a strong connection tieh the inner Self, as well as with the Higher Self.
This crystal has been used to view situations, whcih appear to be devastating, and assist these sutuations in fullfilling themselves - utilizing the law of perfect order of the universe and the creativity of natural completion - i.e. facilitating ease of movement and understanding.
Currently Spirit Quartz is being used in the treatment of skin eruptions and allergic reactions which are manifested via the skin (via elixir.) It has been used in the treatment of colon disorders, in detoxification of the body and in obsessive behavior patterns.
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