........................................................................................................................................................The Power of Crystals - Manifest Desires With Crystal Energy
The power of crystals lies in their ability to hold and transmit energy. Crystal energy can help us to heal, focus our intent and manifest desires. There are many different types of crystals. Each type of crystal has its own unique characteristics and will thus aid us in different ways.
It is said that the power of crystals lie in their ability to amplify the energy behind our desires. They are also believed to help align our vibration with our intentions. Crystal energy and the various types of crystals can be seen as important tools to help us to quickly manifest desires of all kinds.
I’ve recently begun working with crystals. I’ve been clearing them and infusing them with positive energies and loving intent. I’ve been using them in the wire-wrapped jewelry I make. I’m absolutely astounded by the power of crystals. Since I’ve begun working with a particular shipment of Lemurian Quartz crystals, I’ve witnessed stunning evidence of crystal energy.
I’ve been experiencing a string of profound sychronicity and find I am manifesting outcomes, both positive AND negative at an unprecedented rate. Undoubtedly, I’m experiencing first-hand, the power of crystals.
My experiences have served as a strong reminder to me that when the energy behind our intentions gets stronger, the manifestations will come faster. Although I love this when my vibration is of a positive nature, I’m less than thrilled with the manifestations reflective of my not so positive vibrations. I’ve received some powerful examples of just how important it is to keep my vibration high as often as possible. Believe me, when your vibration is amplified through the power of crystals, you definitely want to keep your thoughts out of the gutter!
Types of Crystals
In general, I’ve found that quartz crystals of all colors demonstrate powerful crystal energy through their ability to amplify ALL vibrations. In particular, clear quartz crystal contains and emanates powerful energy that greatly amplifies whatever vibration you are currently emanating. Thus when working with these types of crystals, it’s really important to make sure you are thinking positive thoughts and holding strong belief regarding your ability to manifest desires.
There are many different types of crystals. I’ve listed some of my favorites below. Although they all demonstrate the power of crystals, the various types of crystals each emanate their own unique form of crystal energy.
Powerful crystal energy to manifest desires of all types. Stores and amplifies energy. Acts as a mirror of your inner energy/vibration. Is said to provide clarity and understanding. (I’m suspecting this clarity is partly due to the rapid manifestation of both positive and negative occurrences. When manifesting in a negative direction we often come to deeper levels of clarity and understanding regarding all facets of self).
Crystal power ruling emotions. Great for manifesting love, creating gentle healing energy and opening the heart chakra to receive love.
Emanates crystal energy of higher mind. Aids us in expanding consciousness, identifying and strengthening intention, strengthening psychic ability, opening us to receive inner guidance and helping us to manifest desires by illuminating the path towards our highest goals. The crystal energy of amethyst can help us to dissolve creative blocks, connect to the wisdom of spirit within and aids us in life after death communication.
The crystal energy of agate provides protection, strength and harmony. Agate comes in various colors. Each holds subtly different properties. Agate increases energy and enhances longevity. Wear agate when you intend to manifest desires for the continuation of a positive experience.Agate demonstrates the power of crystals through its properties of enhanced courage, self confidence, grounding positive emotion. It also helps to cleanse and stabilize awareness.
Out of all types of crystals, Aventurine provides it’s wearer with the highest levels of emotional tranquility. It enhances inner strength, leadership ability and facilitates decisive action. Provides emotional alignment to enhance spiritual growth and well-being of independence.
Amazonite helps to manifest desires to communicate clearly. It amplifies wisdom of the heart, removes emotional blockages, enhances creativity and elevates one’s level of ‘star’ quality.A wonderful manifestation tool for writers and artists. Helps to strengthen inner voice. Soothes nervous system disorders.
Use this power crystal to banish sorrow and uplift emotions. Carnelian helps to propel one forward to take initiative towards manifesting desires. Helps to balance creativity and self confidence. Enhances ability to love self.
The crystal energy of this stone helps to eliminate body toxins. It clears away negative energy of the aura and physical body and transmutes negative energy to positive energy. When harnessing the power of crystals, use citrine when desiring manifestations for all types of abundance. Citrine enhances self esteem, instills confidence and provides an energy of warmth and abundance.
This power crystal emits a warm, friendly energy. Provides bodily protection, inner happiness and illuminates the personal path to joy. One of it’s greatest powers lies in it’s ability to dissipate angry emotions.
Attract success, prosperity and abundance. Helpful for immune system disorders and weight loss. This is a stone that helps open one up to channeling. It provides protection from lower energies.
Symbolizes faith, charity and innocence. Pearl enhances personal levels of integrity. It enhances one’s ability to be retrospective and attentive to the inner, personal perspective.
Enhances spiritual pursuits and facilitates the attainment of higher knowledge. It aligns it’s user with greater powers of concentration and deepens meditation. Aids us in expanding our consciousness to higher levels to perceive from broader perspectives. Helps us attain life after death communication. Good for PMS and menopause.
Garnet is the stone of health. It is thought to balance the thyroid and to adjust energetic flow within the body. Helps to manifest desires by enhancing our commitment to self and others. Harmonizes energy between ourselves and others.
Howlite is the power crystal of calm communication. Wear this stone when negotiating anything. It enhances awareness and ability for emotional expression. Enhances spirituality by allowing us glimpses into the higher realms.
The crystal energy of Jasper enhances our state of relaxation and tranquility and wholeness. Manifest desires with greater ease through wearing this stone. Jasper provides nurturing and protective qualities during astral travel and helps to facilitate direct life after death communication.
Although this does not necessarily fall under the heading, power of crystals, sterling silver has important qualities and characteristics of its own. I’ve added it here as it’s an essential ingredient in most of my jewelry pieces.
Sterling silver helps to support and transmit the crystal energy and properties of the stones used alongside it. It helps to improve communication skills and adds an edge to the achievement of success.
The power of crystals has long been touted by those seeking tools to manifest desires. Many of us use crystal energy to manifest desires of all description. All types of crystals have the ability to amplify energy and intent and should therefore be used in tandem with positive thinking and a strong understanding regarding the law of attraction.
How do you decide the type of crystals to use or wear? I always suggest using your own intuition above any attributed traits or descriptions. The power of crystals is such that they will beckon to you. Choose a crystal based on your own
psychic ability or intuition. The crystal that will hold the highest level of crystal energy for you personally will be the one that appeals to you most.
Memorial Pendant – Prayer Box With Spiritual Crystals
Coping with the death of a loved one? Seeking after death communication?
Feel the presence of your deceased loved one next to your heart with this handcrafted, intuitively designed memorial pendant with spiritual crystals.
Wear this pendant as an abiding reminder that there is life after death and that your deceased loved one continues to remain a presence in your life.
To learn more about my hand-crafted Memorial Pendant click here: memorial pendant
Seeking proof of life after death? To purchase my book, Poppies From Heaven and Other Signs From the Hereafter, a personal story detailing the amazing after death signs and communications I received from my brother following his death, click on the link to amazon below.
“As human beings, our biggest challenge is to understand how life and death are inextricably linked. For many, the devastating loss and grief surrounding the death of a loved one can open a portal to a hightened state of awareness that gives rise to extraordinary insights and reinforces a primordial affirmation - death heralds new life. In Poppies From Heaven, Faye Schindelka describes her own powerful journey to a spiritual awakening, following the death of her brother, Murray. In sharing this moving account of after-death communication, Schindelka reminds us that death can result in a positively transformative, life-affirming experience.”
Annamaria Hemingway, Ph.D., author of Practicing Conscious Living and Dying and myths of the afterlife
“Faye Schindelka has done a superb job of baring her soul on the difficult subject of death. It is never easy to deal with a loved one’s death; yet she also gives the reader hope of the continuity of life. She had the remarkable good fortune of being a soul mate with her brother and ultimately of being able to communicate with him. Not only was this journey a life-affirming soul quest for her, but it also helps others to deal with their own grief by knowing their loved ones are in a better place.”
Jody Long, Author, From Soul to Soulmate: Bridges From Near-Death Experience Wisdom, researcher and webmaster for After Death Communications Research Foundation
“For those of us who have a quest to examine the greatest paradox of all time..Is There Life After Death?..Faye Schindelka has given all of us a guiding light and a thorough understanding into the Afterlife with 'Poppies From Heaven and Other Signs From the Hereafter." This is a true life-changing account of her experiences which remind all of us that we are but spirits ourselves.... having yet another human experience once again. For those hard-nosed skeptics this book may indeed leave you with a need to question your very own perspectives! For all of us believers, this book will strengthen our convictions.”
Alan Hatfield, Psychic Medium
Through sharing her story about the signs and messages she's received from her brother since his death Faye Schindelka offers us proof that our loved ones really do live on after death. This book is a must read for anyone grieving the death of a loved one. Even skeptics will be hard pressed to explain away the many astounding physical signs that Faye received from her brother.
Psychic Medium – Beth Berry
“A compelling and deeply sincere account of the remarkable signs experienced by the author after her brother passed on, Poppies from Heaven is yet another link in a long chain of evidence pointing to survival of individual consciousness after death. I recommend this book to anyone who has lost a loved one and seeks the reassurance of an eventual reunion.”
Michael Prescott, bestselling author of Final Sins
Wish Pendant
Manifest Your Desires quickly and easily with This beautifully hand-crafted Manifesting Pendant.
Harness the Law of Attraction…one of my favorite manifesting tools for using the law of attraction to its full benefit.
To order or learn more about my hand-crafted Wish Pendant click here: wish pendant
Order my Magical Manifesting Technique, e-report by clicking below. This manifesting secret was revealed to me by spirit. It is an easy to implement short-cut to all your manifest desires.
To learn more about this manifesting secret, click on the following link: Manifesting Secret
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