Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Faith Healing vs. Medical Treatment
Faith Healing
-a form of healing that is usually associated with a belief in a divine being and the power of prayer exerting a beneficial effect upon a sick animal or human.
Religion: Taoism
•the practice of ritual movements supports the flow of internal chi (energy) and provides health benefits.
•Tai Chi is a physical exercise that focuses the mind, while conditioning the body and is a type of faith healing in the religion of Taoism.
Faith Healing: Arthritis
•not a complete cure for Arthritis
•Tai Chi strengthen the muscles around an arthritic joint; this improves flexibility and range of motion
•this low and flowing movement can actually counteract the effects of other activities that push joints together
-other faiths just prays which many find non-effective
-its more natural, doesn’t have any side-effects
-some people believed that faith healers should be persecuted for fraud
-not legitimate
political, economic and social issues
-it concentrates on what you have to do. One waste less energy and attention on body static, so you have the stamina to ride out crazy days and long hours at work and still have something left for your family
Medical Treatment
-people with arthritis take many drugs such as Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
political, economic and social issues
-medical treatment is expensive and Canadians have to pay for people’s treatment through our tax dollars such as chemotherapy
-many who avoid medical treatment die!
•Cloning means to create an organism from a cloned cell
•Three main types of cloning: 
Recombinant DNA technology/DNA cloning
•Basically means finding a part of a DNA segment that wants to be cloned. 
Therapeutic Cloning
•Takes stem cells from an egg that has been dividing for 5 days, which kills the embryo
Reproductive Cloning
•Is when scientists take genes from the nucleus of an animal and place the genetic information into the egg of another preexisting animal with the same nuclear DNA
•Because the egg is not fertilized naturally, chemicals and/or electric current is placed on the egg for the cells to divide
Science view
-Agree to cloning stem cells and animals but not all scientists are for human cloning
-Agree with therapeutic cloning because could clone healthy cells to replace old, damaged ones, but this process still needs more research
-Also need more research but scientists hope to one day transplant organs through therapeutic cloning and the theory is if the healthy DNA is taken from the same patient, then their own body wouldn’t reject the new organs
Religious View
•Roman Catholics think that cloning humans in any way is evil. They also think that cloning is playing God 
•Think that people are created in an image to look like another person instead of God and •think it puts humans’ unique identities at risk
•Jews agree with cloning
•Christians believe that there is a human soul and don’t believe that it can be cloned
•Relieve infertility
•Allows one of the couples with a hereditary disease not to pass it onto their offspring
•Original person is able to use tissues and organs from the “later twin” for transplant
•Many clones could lose their “lives” in the process of cloning
•Individuals wouldn’t be seen as important
•90% of reproductive cloning failed
•Many mammals cloning have failed
•Lack understanding
•Humans could die at young age or even before birth due to infections
•Could impact mental development
Creation vs. Evolution
Evolution – the general process of change over time
The Big Bang Theory- a theory that states that the entire universe was formed by an ‘explosion’ of gases
Creation – the belief that a greater being or a deity created all matter in the universe
-Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Muslim and even Aboriginal beliefs are all examples of religions that believe in creationism
-There was always a constant debate over whether the world was initiated through creation, evolution or The Big Bang Theory.  However, recent studies show that these theories do not contradict each other. In fact, many scientists and religious figures accept the fact that instead of conflicting with each other, these ideas, in reality, complement each other and go hand in hand. Evolution or the big bang theory DOESN’T prove that there is no God!!
-the Bible is not threatened by responsible scientific investigations.” – Mark Noll, professor of Christian thought
Work Cited Listed
Barrett Stephen, M.D.
(18 April 2005)
Chuck, Howard Health Benefits of Tai Chi
(17 April 2005)
Cohen, Daniel Cloning Twenty-First Century Books: Brookfield, 2002
Fagin, Barry  Skepticism and Politics
(18 April 2005)

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