Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Taoism in practice and Energy Enlightenment

Taoism is to accept life in its totality and not divide it. In Taoism there is nothing good and nothing bad. In Taoism whatever happens let it happen. Allow it. In Taoism you do not struggle.

The most effective of Taoist practices were probably never written down, and passed orally only to a few most selected of a masters students. Most Taoist students are not taught these.

In the Energy Enhancement Course we move beyond the Microcosmic orbit (the circulation of energy within the body), to contacting the heaven and earth (the Macrocosmic Orbit, The Energy Enhancement Supra Galactic Orbit,), to grounding your negative blockages and energies and contacting with the universal energies, and with your Higher Conscience. The key is what is known in Alchemy as Vitriol, purifying yourself.

The Energy Enhancement Meditation technique is the most advanced yet easiest technique to access universal energies, ground fears and emotional energies, develop psychic powers and get in touch with your path.

The Energy Enhancement meditation technique removes the negative blockages and fears in you. The EE process in the most advanced stages shows you how to ground your strategies, which again increases your energy flow and allows you to control your life.

Energy Enhancement is a fusion by Satchidanand of Taoist meditation, his practice of Zen Meditation with Zen Master Roshi Hogen, Kriya Yoga, Integral Yoga with Swami Satchidananda, regular and prolonged study with other Yoga Masters in India, NLP (Neurolinguistic programming), and with other techniques.

The technique is taught in a retreat, in at home in a study course and now on videos.

The Ancient principles behind the Energy Enhancement technique are also fully described in the downloadable Energy Enhancement book.

A free chapter is available on this site.

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