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Spiritual Cleansing is One Way to Better Your Aura
Spiritual Cleansing is a technique used in psychic readings to dispel negative energy. Many people feel that negative energy surrounds us and it responsible for the many difficult things that happen within our lives and psychic reading or tarot reading can help.
An aura is a subtle, luminous radiation that surrounds a person or an object. It's similar to a halo you might see in a religious painting. If you practice meditation and are familiar with chakras, you probably know how a clean aura can have an impact on your life. To many people, an aura cleansing can be sensed around people who are having a very difficult time and are surrounded by negativity. If these people don't take the time to cleanse their aura, other may offer to do it for them.
Spiritual cleansing practices vary greatly. What some people think is a spiritual cleansing may be considered gibberish by another. Believing in spiritual cleansing is half the battle in accomplishing it.
How Spiritual Cleansing is Done
There are several ways in which to use spiritual cleansing to cleanse an aura. Many people will use the help of a spiritual guide or teacher. Others will seek out the help of a close friend or confidant. While techniques vary, the same ending is what is desired.
Here are some tips to help you use spiritual cleansing to cleanse an aura of another person.
1. Prepare the room. Many feel this is the most important part of the aura spiritual cleaning process. Clean the room, sweep the floor, and smudge or fume the room with sage to locate the positive vibration.
2. Meditate and check your chakras before your friend or loved one arrives for the spiritual cleansing. It's best to be a positive as you can be before you begin the aura cleansing project.
3. When they arrive, have them lie down and relax. Have your friend close their eyes and begin to inhale and exhale rhythmically. Ask your friend to stay focused and not to talk during the cleansing.
4. Begin the cleansing by holding your hands about six inches from your friend's body. Open yourself to his aura and energy. Starting at the very top, work your way down to the feet. Remember any places that seem cold or hot, or that you sense a problem with. Have your friend roll over and repeat.
5. When you have finished with this part of the aura spiritual cleansing, use your hands to fluff up the aura. This technique is similar to how you would fluff up someone's hair. Do this step without touching your friend's body.
6. Now, beginning at that the head of the body, visualize wiping away the negative energy. Shake your hands as if they are wet and you don't have a towel. This will help remove the negative energy that may cling to you.
7. Go back to the head again and begin locating the hot and cold areas from earlier. If it feels hot, then attempt to project coolness and vice versa. Once complete, wipe your friend down again and shake your hands as often as you feel you need to. It does no good cleanse another's aura, only to need an additional spiritual cleansing yourself.
8. Talk to your friend. Advise them to speak with a doctor if you feel the hot and cold areas had something to do with your friend's health.
9. After your friend leaves, be sure to cleanse the room again and your own aura as well, to remove and trace of negativity.
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