What is a Spiritual Cleansing?
Spiritual Cleansing is a type of healing. A spiritual cleansing is not a medical treatment nor is it intended to take the place of one. Even though I am a medical doctor, I no longer practice medicine nor do I prescribe medication. If a client needs a medical intervention, I will refer them to the appropriate medical specialist for further evaluation.
Spiritual Cleansings have three components. The first phase involves gathering information about the problem at hand. This part of the process occurs during the initial interview. I usually spend about an hour talking to the client about their presenting symptoms and associated concerns.
The second phase involves the spiritual analysis. In this phase of the cleansing, I examine the aura, soul structures, and associated energetic components of a client’s physical body. In order to do this I need a picture of the client and a sample of their writing. Sometimes I will request a piece of hair or personal item that they have handled. This allows me to tune in to their energies at an even deeper level. Over the years, I have developed a number of clairvoyant abilities that allow me to sense a variety of different forms of spiritual pathology. Many clients find that simply knowing about the true source of their problem is extremely helpful.
The third phase involves treatment recommendations for the problem(s) that are discovered during the consultation and analysis. There are three levels of cleansings that are available. Level One, Level Two, and Advanced.
Most people obtain spiritual cleansings for a number of reasons. The most common are:
1. Divorce -(especially nasty ones)
2. Repeated financial difficulty
3. Relationship/family problems of a recurrent nature
4. Unusual disturbances in the home or in the workplace
5. Prior to entering into deep spiritual/meditative work
6. Persistant Spiritual Disturbances
7. A feeling of heaviness and lethargy associated with intense negative energy.
A spiritual cleansing of this nature is something that should be repeated only once a year in most cases.
SALE STARTS OCT.15TH - DEC.31, 2010.
A Level One Cleansing: involves the recommendation of a series of products and procedures that the client can carry out on his/her own. This cleansing is reserved for the lowest levels of pathology. Surprisingly, some clients are able to take care of their own problems with ease once they are given proper guidance and direction. This cleansing also involves the use of a healing talisman and mantras.
A Level Two Cleansing: involves the use of special stones of power, mantras, prayer rituals, and intercessory procedures. This level of cleansing requires more time, expertise, and power than a level one. Level Two Cleansings are reserved for intermediate level types of spiritual pathology. Though more troublesome than low levels of spiritual pathology, intermediate level spiritual pathogens are able to be removed and treated with a great deal of success.
Advanced Level Cleansing: is reserved for the highest level of spiritual pathogen. These entities often require direct face to face intervention in order to be removed. I have also had a great deal of success with distant cleansings as well. These entities are often associated with very negative emotional, physical, and mental conditions. Furthermore, the clients that tend to be affected by these entities are often surrounded by negative people and living conditions. The entities can be removed, but the client will also need to address the surrounding circumstances that support the attachment(s).
We do not guarantee that spiritual cleansing will be successful in all circumstances or cases. Sometimes, the karma of an individual dictates the existence of an attachment for a specified amount of time. These circumstances are decreed by the Creator himself and cannot be changed. We do however promise that we will do our utmost to improve the condition of the client whenever possible. To date, our results have been quite good.
We do not divulge any personal information regarding our clients. All contact information is kept strictly confidential. Our referral base is a testament to our strict standards of professional conduct.
A One Hour Spiritual Consultation is required with Dr. Gibson before any level of Spiritual Cleansing can be recommended. This fee is $250.00. Once the fee is paid you will be contacted with a date and time for your phone appointment. Please call 336-423-2426.
Product Testimonial
Dr Gibson,
I have been meaning for months, to write you a note of thanks. We, here in the Wild home think of you gratefully every day.
Lets see...let me give you just a few examples.
Right now my 5 year old daughter, who just got out of the hospital after a tonsillectomy, is laying on the couch.
She is sleeping with a Healing Talisman we acquired at your Spiritual Protection seminar in Phoenix a few years ago,
she is listening to Healing factor (There are four other Tybro CD's in the cd player to rotate thru *laugh*)
There is an Angelic Scroll under her in bed, (each one of my children's beds, actually!)
For the past week, She has been listening to Remember Your Inner Peace, every night at bed time.
Each of my children has an MP3 player that has at least two CD's from Tybro, and they listen to one every night at bed.
I listen to my own iPod every night as well.
We play at least one Tybro CD somewhere in the house every day.
I am working with my Ganeche Talisman (acquired at the same seminar) and am positive there are miracles sustaining me,
I drink from the water of my stone of Power every day, and have shared many of my stones of Karma, but continue to use two of my own. There are beautiful scrolls in my home (every room actually!)
I loan your books to many people, and we are each moved toward where we want to be.
There are so many beautiful, empowering, healing, educational gifts in our home from You and Kathy.
I don’t know if you remember, but about a year ago, Mamie Wheeler called you and asked if you would do a Level I Spiritual Cleansing session on my two youngest girls.
Both Maren (5 ) and Rachel (3) were having re-occurring violent bouts with MRSA. (methicillin resistant staph aureus infections)
You cleared Maren, and assured me it would work on Rachel.
We discussed that her MRSA on her lower two chakras was from a parallel existence molestation.
I am so pleased to tell you that with all of our amazing tools, Rachel has not had to return to surgery. What an amazing blessing!
There are small miracles that happen every day because of our association with You and Kathy and all that Tybro offers.
Those miracles sustain us each day to day.
I just wanted you to know we love and appreciate You and Kathy.
I appreciate all of the work you do to be such an amazing person and teacher.
I appreciate the beauty of what you share.
I will tell you, I almost cry when I open your wonderful emails of late. I want so badly to learn from you....... Please don’t stop training wonderful Spiritual Leaders anytime soon...I WILL get there, I PROMISE! *grin*
And, again, thank you. your work really does bless our lives every day.
Jessica Wild
Initial Spiritual Consultation - $250.00
Level One Spiritual Cleansing
A Level One Cleansing involves the use of Daoist healing talismans, healing mantras, and the use of the Mer Isis healing pendulum in order to cleanse negative spiritual energy from the aura and body. The client will need to provide a hair sample, blood sample, and a recent passport style photo in order for us to complete this cleansing. This intervention is reserved for the lowest levels of pathology.
Level One spiritual pathogens include dependent thought forms, low level miasms, and human souls that are weakly attached to the clients physical form. A dependent thought form is a type of energy pattern that results from strong persistent thought, emotion, or act. Dependent thought forms cause a great deal of chaos and strife when they enter the body but fortunately, they are easily removed. Past life personalities can often bleed through and cause trouble in the present personality.
Miasms are thought forms that that persist over long periods of time and cause the formation of disease forming pathogens. The more advanced the miasm, the stronger it becomes. Colds, flu, arthritis, fibromyalgia, insomnia, and other chronic conditions are related to miasms.
Human souls that are weakly attached to the body, (not the soul structure), are the cause of a great deal of human suffering. These entities generally do not know the person to whom they are attached and do not attach with any particularly strong emotion. They literally just need some place to hang out.
At the end of the level one cleansing, the individual will receive a laminated protective healing scroll to be used on an ongoing basis. This scroll will help to provide healing energy for the body and aura.
Price: $500.00
Level Two Spiritual Cleansing
A Level Two Cleansing involves the use of special stones of power, mantras, prayer rituals, and intercessory procedures. This level of cleansing requires more time, expertise, and power than a level one. Level two cleansings are reserved for intermediate level types of spiritual pathology. Though more troublesome than low levels of spiritual pathology, intermediate level spiritual pathogens may be removed and treated.
Intermediate Level Spiritual Pathogens include:
Human souls attached to the client who are relatives
Human souls attached to the client with some strong emotion
Independent thought forms
Strong miasms
Soul fragments
Demons (low to intermediate level)
Elemental or nature spirits
Spiritual Cords
In most level two cases, I need to apply more time and expertise in order to address the problem. Level Two Cleansings are treated through the use of sealed mantras, intercessory prayer rituals, and shamanic procedures that are designed to rid the client of the attachment. Stones of Power are often prescribed in order to raise the client’s base vibratory rate. This helps to prevent future reattachment and generally improves the client’s overall health and well being.
At the end of this service, it is recommended that the client obtain a protective spiritual talisman. These talismans were hand picked by Dr. Gibson during his last visit to Thailand. These holy objects were created by Buddhist holy men and are quite powerful. Each protective spiritual talisman is clairvoyantly matched to the client at the end of the procedure. This talisman will help prevent future intrusions of this nature.
The protective spiritual talismans are special objects and are individually charged for each client. The charge for each spiritual talisman varies and this price is not included in the price of the cleansing.
Price: $950.00
Advanced Spiritual Cleansing
Advanced Level Cleansing is reserved for the highest level of spiritual pathogen. These entities often require a great deal of time and effort in order to be removed. These entities are often associated with very negative emotional, physical, and mental conditions. Furthermore, the clients that tend to be affected by these entities are often surrounded by negative people and living conditions. The entities can be removed, but the client will also need to address the surrounding circumstances that support the attachment(s).
This cleansing involves several repeated treatments over time. The appropriate talismans and rituals will be performed by Dr. Gibson. The client will be required to use Daoist healing talismans, healing incense, and a special healing prayer during this time.
It is highly recommended that these clients acquire a high-power spiritual protective talisman and a protective healing scroll following this cleansing.
Advanced spiritual pathogens include:
Non human entities: insect, animal, vegetable entities
Psychic implants
Dark thought forms
Higher Demonic entities
Qlippotic Forces
These entities are very difficult to remove and require a great deal of time and patience to address. The associated pathology inherent in these cases is usually quite apparent upon presentation. These clients are generally in dire need of spiritual intervention.
Price: $1,500.00
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