Wednesday, July 27, 2011

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Psychic Curse Removal Scams

From time to time we receive e-mails from readers stating that they have been contacted by a psychic.

Pam Coronado

Pamela Coronado is a personal favorite of mine in terms of a psychic / medium figure featured in the public.


I thought I’d line up information as it appears to be coming together towards 2012.

Winning the Lottery

I'm writing this article because I get a fair share of e-mails from people asking about winning the lottery via subtle realm methods.

Various annoucements

If you feel at an impasse or need to recharge your soul, give our random spiritual quote generator a try, who knows, the first one might just be what you need!
GRB Entertainment (producers of Intervention, Untold Stories of the ER, Growing Up Gotti, etc) is producing a new series to premiere this fall called "Angels Among Us."

If in the last ten years you've had an encounter with an angel or angelic force that led to a life being saved--either your own or someone else's, please let them know by contacting Paul Crehan, producer of the program, at pcrehan [at] grbtv [dot] com

Informative articles and editorials on the subject of psychic abilities in general. What are they? How can we develop them?

Famous Psychics

Our Famous Psychics section is more than just that. I do want to talk about famous psychics and mediums, but I also want to cover special aspects of each.

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PathR in Assistance Needed, Red Egg Shells Found Underneath My Bed
Some of your description can be described of a
Spell gone wrong.

Can you describe what color the candle was?

A hex normally has black and red.

A control spell can be used for work, or relationships but in some spells people use dirt to give it a boost
From a grave yard. Could this not of been taken from the childs grave site? A true soul whom is trapped in physical plane would have either a blue or some colors of the aura when changing from human pic to energy.

Your dream seems to be pointing toward words, or communication by indicating your teeth and others, plus the beetle can be taken as a neg influence. Beetle can also represent rebirth. The key here is going over communication with: aunt and friends, or a lost love. To determine if Hex or Control spell.
cleargreen in Assistance Needed, Red Egg Shells Found Underneath My Bed
Thanks for your responses. I went and picked up some sage today along with sage incense and protection incense to use around the house.

I went into a "psychic shop" and described what I found, they asked me why I thought that was an issue because eggshells are good luck for fertility and cleansing. Which through lilangelcakes info and my googling, that's what I came across too. I don't know what to think of that other then compare it to my previous experience with what I found and it just doesn't add up. They also told me I should buy spell reversal incense, I told them I don't want that and prefer to combat it through prayers and meditation, the lady there then rolled her eyes at me. Weird.

As far as who put it there, my family and I are clueless, I've only had 3 of my friends in my room with myself and my sister there at the same time.

A new friend I've made in the last few months knows about my experiences and is into this a lot more then myself, she is convinced its a friend I had who I had a falling out with couple months ago and told me that eggshells are used in envy spells, but I can't find that information anywhere. My parents and sisters think its this new friend, but shes never been in my room.
animaltalker in Something Has Been Using My Fiance's Form When He's Not Here
it might be a shape shifting demon but demons are evil and by the way he acts he might be a shape shifting angel like a guardian angel. Usually if its a guardian angel that shapeshifts is because they take the form of someone or something that you are comfortable with or you trust a lot.
Animal Talker
animaltalker in My Baby Girl... And My Guilt, I Really Do Need Advice Here
ummm for one thing YOU are not the one who hurt your baby your the one who loved her until your psychotic ex boyfriend was the one who should have ALLLLLL the guilt not you! And to talk to her.#1.get in a meditated stage. has to be at nite.#3.look at a wall and stare at it and think about who you want to contact. Think really really hard.#4.if this doesn't work do it each nite. But I must warn you. You should prepare for what you might see like blood a different kind of ghost a demon ange etc. I hoped I helped. Also to help use your index finger and go around the crown chakra!
Animal Talker
radiantsun in My Baby Girl... And My Guilt, I Really Do Need Advice Here
Your child loves you. None of this was your fault.

The person who really needs the forgiveness is that shiat-for-brain ex-boyfriend of yours.

I've seen so many situations like this before. However, let me tell you something I've never told anybody before. Did you love your daughter? Looking at what you said, you did. And the BEST thing a parent can give to their child is love. Additionally, the most SPECIAL thing a parent can do is love their child even before they were born. It takes a true human to realize that and to do that.

You love your kid so much, you're willing to talk to her after she's passed to apologize. That's so special... It makes me cry. Seriously, I'm tearing up right now. You're willing to feel guilt and remorse because your child has died in order to love.

The best thing to do, at the sake of yourself AND your child, is to let it go. You will change. She will change too. When the time is right, you will go up and meet her. Spirits watch us. Chances are, your child has seen you post this. Words don't need to be comprehensible, the emotion and feeling need to--and all celestial and otherworldly bodies know that.

Oh my gosh, you are so sweet it makes me cry... Stay away from that boyfriend. Continue to live on in the memory of your child. When the time comes, you will have another child and you will love that one as well, as I can see. We need more people like you.
radiantsun in Assistance Needed, Red Egg Shells Found Underneath My Bed
I recommend meditating while visualizing a shield protecting you, sensing every aspect (sight, smell) of it and assuring that it "exists" during the meditation. While doing this, also manifest a violet flame igniting over you, removing any negativity and bringing in the good. Also, while doing this, visualize with every inhale you're storing good energy, and with exhales you rid negative energy.

I also recommend hanging seashells everywhere and wearing them. Also hang Granite everywhere and onyx and wear them, as well as amethyst. If you can, try to find stones with natural holes in them and wear them and hang them over your bed and your house. My protection necklace that I have consists of a dreamcatcher, black onyx, amethyst, seashells, natural stones with natural holes in them due to water from rivers, granite, and a variety of other gemstones and items.

Smudge your living space with sage. The best bundle for cleansing and protecting is right here: Burn it and smolder it, leaving it smoking, and use it to cover all areas (that's right, including your attic and under your bed) thoroughly while manifesting/visualizing the bad energy being gone and the good energy being brought in.

It's cruel for your own family members to put a hex on you. Ugh, I hate people who do that--they can't control their anger no matter what so they resort to things like that to "get back". No matter how they got angry, everything goes in a circle. The thing they did will return to them maybe soon or maybe even as far as in future lifetimes.
lilangelcakes887 in Assistance Needed, Red Egg Shells Found Underneath My Bed
I looked it up... Generally the egg shells symbolize rebirth and cleansing... Now, I'm not sure what the rebirth would be for, you or someone else? Now I know burning sage works for a cleasning and getting rid of evil... If you feel that your discomfort is because of that then maybe try sage. Oh, and just be who you are, they will get there fair share of kharma.
lilangelcakes887 in My Daughter And I - Psychic Or Sensitive Or Both?
I would say so, especially with your daughter. My son was the same way as a small child... Always one corner he would look in and he started laughing... I felt the presence there and knew who it was... It too was my grandfather. He told me when he was two that grandpa was with him and I said where and he pointed to the same corner he's always been fixed on. I can feel my grandfathers presence and have spoken to him in my dreams and seen him there. I am curious though, was your daughter a bit of a handful as a young child... Like just full of life but can be stubborn when ready? That's how my son was, he's calmed down a lot as he gets older but still stubborn...
I also do know that psychic abilities many times are found in familes, can be passed... My grandmother, my mom, and I all have similar abilities however, mine seem to be the strongest but I believe that is because I am open to them... So yes, I believe it is both for you and your daughter.
NotSoNormal in Need Advice Please
Thank You! I didn't really believe I was insane but it is all just so confusing. Thanks for the advice!
stephyw2001 in I Googled It, It Must Be True
Well chillz, I'm still experimenting myself, and like I mentioned, I'm surprised it worked! I find that the more I surround myself with psychic stuff, and have a clear head, the better my dreams get. I've been reading on stuff like tarot, and neo-paganism, and stones and their properties lately. Just dabbling, and learning. I try to keep a clear head, and it seems I have the most success when I'm either feeling nothing (like the night I had this dream) or feeling EXTREME feelings (the night I had the dream in my other story). I know those are two totally different spectrums, but it seems my mind works best when either overworked, or idle. When its just content, not so much. I know that's odd, and I'm still exploring why this is.
This site has also helped a lot. I like reading everyone elses experiences and ideas, and just hearing them seems to be "turning on a switch" if you will. I find talking about it or offering others ideas or advice has been most theraputic. It gets my mind in the right frame of thought.
I definitely want to hear if anyone's experiments work though! Trial and error!
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