Spiritual Healer and Medical Intuitive
Tom Adams, a gifted healer, medical intuitive and counselor/teacher, works primarily from his office in New Milford, Connnecticut, USA and is comfortable and experienced in long-distance healing with clients all over the United States and around the world (by phone, skype and the internet).
Tom teaches and helps others to realize absolute awareness, the one true source of healing, which underlies the relative appearance of pain, disease and suffering. People have become free of their physical, mental and emotional suffering as well as the underlying causes of their suffering through the assistance and counseling of Tom Adams - ultimately resulting in greater health and harmony in all levels of their lives.
Office and distant healing sessions are an integration of:
• spiritual healing,
• yoga pranic healing through the chakra system,
• Chinese chi kung acupressure applied through the meridian system, and
• may also include hands on massage, reflexology and Tibetan bowl sound healing.
Through personal contact and the pages of this website, Eastern Healing Arts, Tom hopes to offer ongoing spiritual counseling, meditation instruction, and natural western dietary recommendations and herbs for those who desire to take advantage of these resources.
As a spiritual healer, Tom has realized that Spirit, Pure Being or Absolute Awareness (the source of true Spiritual Healing integrated with energy healing), and the use of his clairvoyant abilities to obtain a clear view of the relative framework of the physical, etheric, astral/emotional, mental and causal "bodies," has been very effective at healing a much wider range and depth of conditions than when he first began healing as a prana/chi energy healer many years ago. We all need to (continually) grow to realize our true selves.
Call or email EASTERN HEALING ARTS for free consultation, appointment scheduling or more information.
Tom Adams has a BA in Psychology and is a healer, medical intuitive, counselor and teacher who has studied and practiced spiritual teachings for over thirty years, in a variety of traditions, including:
The teachings of the Christian mystics: St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa, Origen, St. Augustine, Meister Eckart, St. Francis ...and later the healing work of Fr. Diorio and Joel Goldsmith;
The teachings of Yogananda, founder of Self Realization Fellowship, a master of the science and philosophy of Yoga, he taught the basic unity of the great religions east and west;
The Vajra panjar teachings of Dhyanyogi Madhusudandas, a master of Kundalini Yoga and the use of prana for personal growth and healing;
Prana Psychotherapy and Healing as taught by Choa Kok Sui of the Philipines;
Qi Qong Healing with T. K. Shih, 5th generation Chinese Medical Doctor;
Qi Qong acupressure and Therapy with Faxiang Hou, 5th generation Chinese Medical Doctor.
Tom continues his studies in esoteric healing with renowned clairvoyant, spiritual teacher and healer Marilou K Dusyn and is the director of the New Milford Karma Thegsum Choling, a center for Tibetan Buddhist study and meditation in New Milford, CT.
Revised/Updated Tue, May 24, 2011
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