Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Definition of the word: PSYCHIC
Adjective: psychic refers to extra sensory perception and forces of a paranormal nature.
Noun: psychic refers to a person who has extra sensory perception or paranormal powers.
The term PSYCHIC was first used by renowned chemist William Crookes to describe Spiritualist medium Daniel Dunglas Home (1833-1886).

PSYCHIC - the word defined with a short article about the difference between a Psychic and a Medium

Definition: PSYCHIC

Psychic Psychical: a. pert. to the soul, spirit, or mind; pert. to the force believed by Spiritualists to produce spiritualistic phenomena; spiritualistic. - psychically adv. psychic n. a person sensitive to spiritualistic forces; a medium; a clairvoyant. - psychics n. pl. psychology - psychicism n. the study of spiritualistic phenomena. - psychicist n. [Gk. psuche, the soul, the mind].
Collins Dictionary

What is PSYCHIC?

Everyone is psychic to some degree using the natural intuitive or sixth sense that is inherent in all of us. A psychic is sensitive to the electrical, magnetic and other energies emanating from the individual and known as the aura. A psychic is able to access information from the emotional, physical and spiritual parts of the auric field. As the aura contains all the information about a person's life, psychic readings can be very accurate. A psychic also uses the natural ability to be aware of non-verbal communication i.e.. body language, facial expression, dress sense etc.

Great care and integrity is needed on behalf of the psychic during readings as some people seeking help can be vulnerable. A psychic can subconsciously calculate possible future events by an assessment of information available by the natural course of events and give probable forecasts. All psychics should adhere to a code of conduct of not predicting or frightening people with talk of falls or accidents or indeed deaths of loved ones.

It should also be noted that a psychic is able to "sense" on a purely material level and not able to "tune in" to the spirit world, except by accident. All mediums are psychics but not all psychics are mediums. Tarot cards, runes, palmistry etc. are all tools that can be used in conjunction with this natural ability. There are many exercises that can be done to increase the natural psychic ability of everyone.

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Common misspelling include: psycic readingsThe misspelled words Pyschic or psycic, are common search terms when looking for psychic resources online. Pyschic reading, psycic reading, and psyhic reading are common misspellings for psychic reading

Our Psychic Resources:

Psychic Tests- Psychic Tests and Experiments to try.
Psychic Glossary - list of paranormal definitions and short articles about the psychic world
Main Psychics.co.uk Homepage
Dictionary Definition A psychic is a person who is believed to possess extra-sensory abilities, including: clairvoyance, psychometry and precognition. These claims are widely disputed by mainstream science, and are regularly attacked by skeptics. However supporters exist within the field of parapsychology, including Cornell University's Daryl Bem, who argues for a mild but significant phenomenon based upon his ganzfeld experiments.

FREE PSYCHIC READINGS - About our Free Psychic Reading services.

FREE PSYCHIC READINGS - Delphi Free Psychic Chat Rooms for Free Reading.



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