Does Flowing Zen really get results? You decide. Read dozens of heartfelt testimonials from students who have gotten amazing results with issues like…
…high blood pressure, weight loss, low back pain, digestive issues, arthritis, stress, diabetes, acid reflux, chronic pain, herniated discs, PTSD, gum disease, scoliosis, strength and flexibility, blood sugar issues, Parkinson’s disease, cancer prevention, self confidence, medication reduction, accident recovery, chronic fatigue syndrome, smoking cessation, insomnia, mood improvement, immunity, energy levels, knee health, bone density, depression, Crohns disease, emotional stability, and more…
“I have a herniated disc in my neck (an old whip lash injury) that I have managed since 2006 with acupuncture and massage. I have had a couple of flareups during that time, but in general I’ve been able to continue racing half marathons and being very active. Saturday morning (the day of my race) I awoke with bad neck pain, but I immediately practiced Chi Kung and it made a huge difference. So I went from wondering if I was going to be able to run the race at all, to actually winning my age group with a fast race. Yeah, Chi Kung!!”
I was skeptical about Flowing Zen. I almost didn’t sign up for the workshop that Sifu Anthony was teaching in my city, and then I almost didn’t go when the weekend came. I write this testimonial in October 2012, roughly 4 months after that workshop. In 2010, I discovered that I am gluten-intolerant. Going gluten-free brought me a lot of relief (and weight loss!), but my digestion never became normal, so I tried tweaking my diet even further until there was nothing left to tweak. I was taking supplements for my gut, but I was still miserable, and afraid to leave the house if I didn’t know where a bathroom was that I could get to easily. Prior to attending the workshop, I suffered bouts of unpredictable constipation and diarrhea. I noticed dramatic improvement immediately after the 101 workshop. I simply stopped having diarrhea and started having regular, normal bowel movements. I’m no longer afraid of how I’m going to react after a meal, and I feel free to eat many things that I was restricting prior to learning Qigong. Other side effects? Better concentration, more confidence, improved mood, less stress, symptom-free menstrual periods, better sleep, less need for sleep, better workout recovery, food tastes better, my nails and hair grow faster, and my immune system actually fights off bugs now (I used to catch every cold that went around, and I’ve dodged *six* that have gone around at work since starting practice). I’m a scientist by profession, and I can’t explain why Qigong works, but I know that it does, and I am so grateful that I attended that workshop!
“The mystery and benefits of Chi Kung have made me a devotee for life! Thank you, Sifu Anthony, and I am also grateful to your teacher, Grandmaster Wong. The teachings you share have made an indelible difference in my life.”
“You don’t realize how powerful Flowing Zen can be until you wake up one morning and the health problem that has been plaguing you for nearly 10 years has permanently disappeared.”
“I’ve only been a student for 3 weeks, but I was hooked immediately on Flowing Zen. Yoga was causing back and knee problems and I can sense and feel that the Qigong from Sifu Anthony is strengthening my post-surgical (3x) knee joint so that I can maintain my golf addiction and other normal daily activities that make life pleasant, such as walking, sleeping and gym-ing. Qigong is also giving me a mental edge with my golf game as my scores/handicap are improving. I really like it and have a sense that there is so much more improvement on the horizon both mentally and physically. I am very grateful that Sifu Anthony is in Gainesville, FL. We are so very blessed to have access to his articulate, interesting, fun and results producing teachings and classes.”
“I have been a student of Tai Chi for many years. Studying Qigong with Sifu Anthony and Grandmaster Wong quickly took my practice to new levels, through enhanced energy flow and increased pleasure in practice. I have specifically found it to be effective in the treatment of stress, high blood pressure and digestive issues. I recommend it to my friends and patients as one of the single most effective practices they can choose to improve and safeguard their health. They connect their students to a living lineage of Qigong that is safe and effective. The cost? Less than you would pay for a month’s worth of medicine at the pharmacy.”
“I started Flowing Zen with Sifu Anthony about 4 months ago. At the time, I thought I was healthy, so I didn’t really expect anything except maybe to feel a bit better, have more stability, and more energy. I was so wrong. I forgot the little things like a pain in my shoulder that had been bothering me for over a year – gone. I was taking medication for 6 years for acid reflux – off medication for a month now. I was also taking medication to lower my blood pressure (and even then it was still borderline high) – now it is low enough to get off medication. I don’t get tired until bedtime when I sleep peacefully all night long. But the biggest thing is my high stress level is down and my happiness level is up! When I first started with Flowing Zen, one of the students told me it was life changing. At the time I thought ‘okay, could be’, but after only 4 months I can say it has changed my life forever, and I am truly grateful for Sifu Anthony and Dr. Akemi for their positive attitude, knowledge, and caring concern for each one of their students and patients. With heartfelt thanks!!!!”
“As you know, I am an 80-something student in your classes. I have found that I am able to teach from 11am to 4pm, come to you for Tai Chi and Chi Kung, and then go back and rehearse from 7-10:30pm. I know that working with you for the past 5 years has given me the energy to make this possible, for which I am everlastingly grateful. In addition, getting acupuncture from your wife rounds out what I think is a perfect health cure for almost anyone.”
“Qigong gave me the mechanism to clear out all the years of “stuff” that had ravaged my body, and mind. And gave me the tools to strengthen my body and mind so that life no longer has such ill effects. Thus, enabling me finally to become the best version of myself, and with that comes genuine peace and joy. Are you ready to be the best version of yourself? For anyone that is doubtful of Qigong, the question is not IF it works, the question is if what you are doing right now is working for you and are you truly ready to make a real change in your life — one that finally does a cleaning that gets all the skeletons out of the closet, and allows you to obtain a storehouse of things that are healthy, lovely, and good. This is no magic bullet, nor is this a get results quick gimmick. Remember the tortoise and the hare; slow and steady won the race. It requires some commitment from you; commitment to be open to the possibilities, possibilities which are priceless and out of this world. I made the commitment, and am so glad I did. Be transformed. Be well. It is meant to be.”
“After only TWO beginner sessions, the arthritis in my thumbs vanished, never to return. After a year, my PTSD was gone. A pocket in one of my gums that was a “7″ (unfixable) is now a “2″ or better. I’m content to let this magic happen and not wonder how or why — it just happens. Best yet, instead of becoming stagnant in my later years, I feel movement and growth and continual discovery.”
“Since I started practicing Flowing Zen 3 years ago at age 61, I have been cured of an ‘incurable’ periodontal disease that I had been struggling with for over 10 yrs; my blood pressure has gone from being borderline high to normal without my ever taking any medication to lower it; I no longer run out of Advil because I no longer have to take it, and I no longer wish I could take a nap in the middle of the day because I never seem to run out of energy. And, most importantly, I can honestly say my life is full of joy. For those who think that once you hit 61 yrs of age it’s all down hill, I’d say, ‘Not if you practice Flowing Zen!’”
“I have three irregular scoliosis curvatures along my spine which have caused me quite a bit of back pain. Two and a half years of Qigong and Tai Chi with Sifu Anthony have helped my back be more supple. It very rarely aches, and when it does I practice Carrying the Moon, which gives me relief. For many years, I was also affected by pretty severe mood swings around my cycle. As I began to practice Qigong regularly, my family started to notice a change: I was more balanced, I was not rattled as easily, which has helped all of us tremendously.”
“I want to express how absolutely wonderful all of your classes have been for me on all levels. I think to myself that Sifu Anthony is just the best thing going on in Gainesville right now.”
“I’ve been practicing for almost 5 years, and I can say with absolute confidence that all of the positive changes that have taken place in my life have been as a result of Flowing Zen. These arts are incredible. The benefits have been too numerous to list: my scoliosis is righting itself, my old sports injuries have healed, I’ve been invited to join the honors program at my college after being a B and C high school student, and I’ve experienced indescribable spiritual joys. I even went on a bicycle tour this summer, and with no prior training cycled 400 miles with ease. Obviously, this stuff works. I only wish my friends could know what they’re missing.”
“I forgot to tell you that for 8 years I have been having my resting blood glucose measured every 3 months as it is borderline diabetic. For the first time in 8 years and 24 blood tests, my level was normal two weeks ago!”
“I have been studying Qigong with Sifu Anthony for over 6 yrs. I am now nearly 65 yrs old. I serve on the faculty at UF in the School of Theatre and Dance teaching courses in the Alexander Technique and coaching in all the productions during our performance season. Although I did not have major health issues at the time (I came to the practice of Qigong for spiritual development), I have found that over the course of these years, my health and vitality continue to improve and my joy in living deepens. I am rarely bothered by fear and anxiety as in the past. When those fears arise, my practice helps to clear my mind and shift my perspective more constructively. I no longer get a flu shot every year nor do I usually get colds, and when I do, they are resolved quickly, usually within three days. I already had a spiritual practice when I began studying with Sifu, and that practice has continued to deepen and expand over the years. We are taught to judge our progress based on empirical results. For me, this practice continues to reinforce my understanding of how to not only take care of my health and well-being, but it supports my evolution and development as I continue on my journey. Delightfully enough, at 65 I feel better than I did at 55. I am grateful that we have access to these arts here in Gainesville.”
“I have been a student of Flowing Zen and Sifu Anthony Korahais for over three years. I came to the studio a rank novice, 60 years old, and with neurological symptoms soon diagnosed by Western doctors as Parkinson’s. Today I feel stronger and healthier than I have in decades, and my neurologists have twice reduced my Parkinson’s medication, most recently by 50 per cent. Words cannot express the immensity of my debt to Sifu Anthony and Flowing Zen.”
“I began my Qigong practice four and a half years ago when I was diagnosed with cancer. Since then, Flowing Zen has enriched my life in so many ways , emotionally, physically and spiritually. I have more energy and a chronic issue with my knees has resolved. Shortly after learning Sinew Metamorphosis Qigong, I was able to eliminate my regular Physical Therapy appointments. Most importantly, I know that my practice is a significant factor in my goal to remain cancer free. I am so grateful to Sifu Anthony for his teachings, his kindness, and the wonderful community of people that are part of the studio.”
“It’s hard for me to tell people who are profoundly affecting my life how much they mean to me, but I’m going to try it now. When I signed up for your 101 workshop, I was looking for a way to calm my mind and emotions from years of engaging the ‘fight or flight’ defense mechanism in almost every situation, to my detriment. I was also ready to get back to exercising after recovering from surgery to fix a detached tendon and two rotator cuff tears. The injury occurred when I overextended on a machine at the gym when a young assistant said, ‘Come on, you can do 13. Push!’ That doesn’t happen in our Qigong or Tai Chi class. So, Sifu, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your knowledgeable, inspiring, calm and down-to-earth teaching. I also thank you for your availability to your students. My healing and rejuvenation have begun. I am so grateful to have access to a teacher who has studied for years with a grandmaster. What a great deal!”
“The Qigong and Tai Chi I’ve learned at the Flowing Zen Studio are building a confidence within me that I didn’t even know was missing. My stress level has dropped through the floor, and conversely, my readiness to intake, process, and flow through life’s challenges has improved ten-fold. My energy levels–and my ability to engage in and find joy in even the most routine parts of my days–keep climbing. I wake up better rested and more worry-free than I have in years. I feel alive!”
“I am beginning my third year of learning and practicing the techniques of Flowing Zen. What I have learned has made a wonderful difference in my life! The majority of physical complaints that caused me to try Flowing Zen have disappeared. I have learned effective ways to handle stress and pain. I feel better and take less medication than I have in the past 20 years. I am convinced that this change is due to my participation in Flowing Zen classes and the cultivation of a positive mind-body connection.”
I added Qigong in to my life through my acupuncture college’s program 7 years ago, but did not practice on my own outside of class. A few years later, I was hit by a semi on the interstate. My injuries were not severe, but dull, aching pains plagued me. Chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture all helped, but it wasn’t until I began taking classes at Flowing Zen that I finally pushed through those last blocks and experienced complete healing and was pain free! The tears flowed as my pain and fear left. I have since moved away from Gainesville and am not able to attend classes, but have continued to practice on my own this time. I’ve found that it keeps me grounded, clear headed, and positive during my days. And no doubt enhances my own positive intent in my private practice. Thank you Sifu for providing your guidance and support!”
When I was in the 4th grade I used to go to Flowing Zen with my mom in the evenings. She and Sifu encouraged me to join in class sometimes, but I was shy. I finally went in one night and learned how to do Lifting the Sky. My mom and brother and I would do it at home pretty much every day for a few minutes. I liked how it made me feel! One day when I was on my way to school I told my mom I was really nervous because we had FCAT that day. She suggested that I do Qigong to help me stay calm and focused. When I got to school I asked my teacher if I could show everybody how to do this so we could do our best on the FCAT and not be so nervous. She said yes. So me and my whole class did Lifting the Sky for a few minutes, took some deep breaths, and took our test. We all passed! And most of us scored really high! Everybody liked it so much, she let us do it before other tests, too! Thanks mom and Sifu Anthony for teaching me and encouraging me! I am now in 8th grade and have been on the honor roll for years!
“I have chronic fatigue, and I had tried probably 5 other kinds of Qigong or Tai Chi prior to coming to Sifu Anthony’s studio. Actually, I didn’t think it would help any either. And yes, I was wrong. It hasn’t cured me yet, but it is the only thing that consistently gives me an injection of energy that leaves me inspired and able to work on my creative projects — without it I am so tired and brain-fogged that I can’t do even that. And having some small ability to do something worthwhile has made a huge difference in my life.”
“In January, 2009, I was diagnosed with calcified tendons. I had razor-sharp shooting pains in my shoulder when doing certain movements, and I was close to passing out at times. The doctors recommended strong painkillers and physical therapy. If there was no significant improvement, then I might need surgery. In February 2009, I took a Qigong class from Sifu Anthony. I practiced for 15 minutes more or less every day. By the end of may 2009 I had no traces of any shoulder pain whatsoever! I was 100% free of painkillers, and had 100% range of motion. And I remain that way today in 2011.”
“I never had more than a passing interest in martial arts, but I keep going to Kung Fu with Sifu Anthony because I feel inexplicably happy before, during, and after each class. It’s been a few years now and I’ve seen many incredible changes in all areas of my life, with many more exciting changes in the works. I owe my current level of vitality and zest for life to these arts.”
”Sifu Anthony is a truly wonderful teacher. Don’t worry if you have never meditated or studied martial arts before. Everyone can do it, and the benefits are amazing. What has impacted me most is the way Flowing Zen broke my smoking habit, without effort. If you are trying to improve any aspect of your life, like your studies, your health, or your work performance, or if you simply seek stress relief and inner peace, then I urge you to take a class.”
Alvaro Toledo, Student of Chinese Medicine
“It’s hard to describe in words my deep appreciation for Flowing Zen. I had previously learned a different type of Qigong that I practiced for a while, but I didn’t really experienced positive results from it. This happened to be a complicated style of Qigong that made me more prone to being in my head instead of my body. When I first learned Flowing Zen Qigong, it was simple yet effective — effective in the sense that it allowed me to relax into my body and feel refreshed afterwards. As my practice of Flowing Zen continues, I’ve been noticing more improvements, especially in my sleep, lower back, and mood. Thanks so much Sifu Anthony!!”
“I started going to Qigong classes about 2.5 years ago. Back then, I thought I was fine, but looking back I can see how things have changed. I used to get really sick for about a week every 2-3 months. Now, I almost never get sick. I think that I’ve been sick maybe twice in the past 2.5 years. Also, I was able to realize through Qigong that I had a negative internal dialogue that was very critical of others. This isolated me more from other people and caused me to feel more alone. Now I am more understanding and compassionate of others which I suppose is good for them, but it’s really great for me. I feel happier inside.”
“By far and away the most pronounced benefit for me thus far has been the dramatic increase in my energy levels. I used to have difficulty making it to 2pm without being tired, but now I can go from dawn until dusk and sometimes beyond.”
“My experience with Sifu Anthony and Flowing Zen has been energizing, inspiring, and spiritually healing, even blissful. In a year and a half of classes and practice I’ve lost 20 pounds, my knees no longer hurt, my acid reflux is gone, and my bone density has maintained and in one area increased. I’ve also met specific goals in physical capability, such as being able to squat ten times with buttocks to heels (I’m 73 years old). When I was diagnosed in December 2010 with breast cancer I knew I was in the right place to heal completely and I’ve never had a moment’s worry about recurrence. In Sifu’s group healing session on June 3, 2011, when he touched the top of my head to open a meridian, I saw a flash of light and felt Qi energy racing through my body. So Sifu’s gifts as a teacher and the benefits of Flowing Zen are both immediate and long-lasting. I feel very, very fortunate to be receiving these teachings.”
“I had taken antidepressants since 2006. I became Sifu Anthony’s student in the spring of 2010. That summer, I found myself forgetting to take my antidepressant pill every few days or so, until I realized I was almost out of them and began rationing them while waiting for a refill, which comes by mail. But by the time the refill arrived, I had been off the pills for more than a week…inadvertently and effectively following the medically accepted practice of weaning gradually off antidepressants. I realized that I felt fine without them, and in fact enjoyed some depth of emotions (mostly JOY) that I had been missing! I’ve experienced many benefits from Flowing Zen, but this may be the most dramatic! Thank you so much, Sifu Anthony!”
“I have had Crohns Disease for 15 years. I was on medication (Asacol and Flagyl) for 10 years. I had tried to go off of them 4-5 times before starting Flowing Zen classes. Each time, I had to start back on the medications within 3 days. The side effects were not fun. About 9 months after starting classes with Sifu Anthony and working with Dr. Akemi, I started to feel better. I went off the medications this January, and have stayed off ever since. This August, I went to Shands Hospital to get tested. The report came back: no signs of active Crohns present. It was good to know that I was as healthy as I felt. Thank you so much for all that you do, Sifu Anthony! To be pain free, thank you doesn’t seem to quite do it, but I hope this testimonial might also help someone else.”
“Ten months ago, I was suffering from recurring eye infections that forced me to stop practicing Aikido, a martial art I’d been doing for many years. Another factor in this decision to stop Aikido was that I kept undergoing periodic flareups of severe lower back pain. Fortunately, I then discovered Qigong. When I started, I very meticulously charted my physical symptoms each day. I found that, within weeks my long-term insomnia had almost totally disappeared and my back pain was either gone or barely noticeable. As I continued to practice, my blood pressure dropped 12 points and my weight dropped a dozen pounds – without any dieting. Most encouraging is the fact that I have not had a single recurrence of any eye infections. I am 100% healthier than I was a year ago, and continue to improve each month.”
“I was diagnosed with a hip disease at 4 years old and then again as a teenager. The result was many surgeries, body casts, crutches, physical therapy, etc. I finally had a hip replacement 12 years ago and while the daily pain I experienced was gone for the most part, my right hip was very weak and continued to be, as seen through a limp, very limited range of motion, and general weakness in my right leg. Within six months of practicing Flowing Zen, I was able stand on my right leg with no problem! I haven’t been able to do this since I was 11 years old. I can do stances & movements that would have seemed impossible a year ago. Flowing Zen is working in layers for me, little by little, one change at a time – and I am grateful.”
“I am extremely pleased with the improvement I’ve seen in my type II diabetes just in the short time following the 101 Workshop I attended. I now have an average fasting blood sugar reading of 106, compared to a fasting average of around 133 before learning Qigong. I could not decrease my 133 blood sugar average, no matter how hard I tried. I hope to make continued progress and completely reverse diabetes. Qigong is truly a life-altering experience!! Thank you so much.”
“After two years of having a fasting blood sugar count of 126, my doctor recommended that I begin taking diabetes medicine, as diet and exercise were not not helping to reduce my sugar levels. Before beginning the medicine I took your Flowing Zen’s ‘Perfect Weight’ class, and after only six weeks, my fasting blood sugar fell to an average of 76, thereby negating the necessity of going on diabetes medicine. My fasting blood sugar continues to remain under 100. I feel so much more alive and healthy since I began classes at Flowing Zen and cannot thank you enough for helping me to become a healthier, happier person.“
“It cost me a little over $1,000 inclusive to come learn from you, most of the cost being the six airplane hops and the overnight hotel stay. Considering my health condition — trying to prevent the onset of Chronic Kidney Disease — I considered it a bargain. Your fees are less than an office visit to an out-of-network M.D. I’ll be saving up on on cash and days off to attend future events.”
I have been sketchy at practicing Chi Kung, but in my most stressed moments at work (to the point of losing it in one instance), I have turned to Chi Kung to center me, to bring me back to peace, to be more grateful, and to help me continue performing at my best — all in less than ten minutes. Thank you Sifu Anthony for being in my life and teaching me tools that have made a huge difference in my life and that of those around me!
Sifu Anthony is an excellent teacher, and I should know. I’ve studied martial arts since I was 19 years old (Philadelphia, Judo under Grandmaster Ishikawa San, Aikido in Atlanta, Tai Chi in Gainesville). The only difference between then and now is that now I’m 70 years old. The Chi Kung approach to Tai Chi is foundational, as it goes back 1500 years or so to the original Shaolin temple founded in the 5th century in mainland China. That monastery is long famous for its association with Chinese martial arts and particularly with Shaolin Kung Fu. Sifu Anthony draws directly from that tradition, emphasizing health and longevity effects of Shaolin Chi Kung. Does it work? Ask me in twenty years when I’m 90. Some of these practices I’ll still be doing. Will you?
“I started going to Chi Kung classes about 1.5 years ago. Looking back, I can see how things have changed. I had pain in my neck and arms, and I know it was stress related. I used to take medicine for it. With my Chi Kung practice, I started to feel much better. I had less pain, more energy, and better concentration. The truth is I stopped practicing, and a few months later the pain came back. So, I started with the routine again. This time I don’t want to stop. I especially want to say thanks to Sifu Anthony for sharing your heart with us.”
I feel better all over, mentally and physically. If I do get a virus, it only lasts about 6 hours. Truly I am more limber and enjoy my practice. I feel confident that I shall never be seriously ill.
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