Saturday, August 20, 2011

Removing Black Magic Spells

Casting black magic spells is not a complex task to undertake and for this reason far too many people have wandered down the hazardous path of black magic only to find their own undoing at the end of that dark slippery trail.

How to Remove Black Magic
Casting black magic spells on an unknowing and unenlightened hapless victim is one thing but woe is unto the arrogant fool that should be so stupid as to wield black magic against someone who is knowledgeable of and enlightened to the ways of witch craft. This person will find all of their evil renderings returned unto them in such a way as their dark work may adhere to their mind and soul for eternity. Determining the perpetrator of what has befallen the victim of black magic spells is the golden key to success in undoing and removing the effects of the dark magic and with this knowledge the spell can not only be removed but sent back to its creator and attached like a ball and chain around their neck for life.

If ones magic is strong and their will to recover and wage battle for their very existence is kept intact then justice will be done but it can take time and involve some degree of patience. The first order should always be to invoke protective powers to shield one from any further magical doings from ones tormentor. There are many shielding spells that can be used to do this and some are quite effective but they all are powered by ones own inner strengths and mostly ones ability to summon forth energies that form the cohesive strength of the spell.

Many times persons who are suffering from the effects of black magic spells are of diminished faculties as a direct result of the black which craft itself. Therefore a process of strengthening and building up of ones inner fortitude must be undertaken prior to attempting to cast any shielding spells lest ones limited spiritual energies be dissolved even further in a vain attempt at self protection and preservation. One must retreat into ones own mind for reflection and deep soul searching during this time of preparation and never reveal to others ones plans for self redemption.

Who Cast the Black Magic Spell on You?
If the perpetrator of the evil doings is close to you then this is the time to try to bait them in and get them to tilt their hand of cards such that one might get a look at what their devious intentions truly are. Never reveal to anyone that you are learning your own magic and making plans and preparations to shed the miserable husk that has encased your entire being and that soon you will be the one swinging the sword of redemption.

Tags: Remove Black Magic

Doma Yuset // Oct 5, 2007 at 7:27 pm

I don’t know… I beleive in it. I have a very weak sense of smell. I have a hard time focusing. My dreams never make sense, not even when I was a child. I once drempt of falling, but I also hit the ground and died. I turned into a gost.

Am I a victim?

How can I be sure if I am or not?

admin // Oct 8, 2007 at 7:02 pm

Try some relaxation exercises, don’t jump to conclusions just yet. Try going out at night and having some fun.

brandy // Mar 1, 2008 at 6:42 am

I think somebody put a spell on my boyfriend!!!!!! He has been acting very strange like he’s going crazy!!!!!

liz // Mar 31, 2008 at 6:49 pm

what are the effects of a black magic spell what are the suffering symptoms?

Pam // May 17, 2008 at 12:49 pm

I am quite certain that a man has put a spell on my sister to make it so that she only wants only spend time with her. She used to be very out going and very generous and lots of fun. Now she does not want anyone around her including her family. The man that she is seeing is the son of a witch,so I think this bad relationship is due to him casting a spell on her. Is there anyway I can diminish this spell? I miss her very much

becky // Aug 14, 2008 at 7:24 pm

me and my mum went to a phyic today and discovered the reason for my mothers never ending suffering is because of a black majic spell. Do u know any ways of removing the spell?

Tiffany // Sep 17, 2008 at 8:53 pm

I am a victim of black magic and pyschic torment…i want to remove all mind connections with them, and need to have peace in my mind again. How is this removed or reversed? Thanks Tiffany

Mohammad Yasef Hossain // Oct 2, 2008 at 5:02 am

well liz are you a boy or girl if you are a boy brace yourself for groin problems hip cuts and lots of bruises if you are a girl well thats the worst to come.believe me i was cursed once i had to fight it but it was not easy.

tina // Nov 13, 2008 at 8:31 am

I don’t quite understand how it is I can remove a black magic spell. I have a strong feeling that my sons grandmother on his fathers side casted the spell. I have this feeling because she is the only one I know of that knows black magic and now that my son’s father now has joint custody and our son lives with him primary she has casted a or several spells on me so that I can’t get a job, have no money, am overwhelmed with lack of worth, etc. etc. etc.. Please help me to overcome this!!!

KALEEM // Dec 27, 2008 at 1:14 pm

My name is muhammad kaleem ullah khan. My date of birth is 28/2/1946. I am challenging all the magician in this world. is there any one who can break my magic I am a black magicians no one can beat me in this world .no one can break my magic if some one cast spell to me i will reverse his spell to him I am challenging all magicians cast spell to me and my sons i have there sons mateen , mubeen ,moiz and her mother name is salma if some one cast spell to my son I will reverse his spell to him i am challenging to all magician to beat me

kaushik bezbaruah // Dec 27, 2008 at 10:04 pm

One of my friend’s roommate is practicing black magic. She has a sanskrit book called, Shimepolikadun (narayan dharan). My frnd use to see blood shed in their bathroom. my friend is really disturbed these days. please help.

Ron // Jan 12, 2009 at 1:23 pm

I truly believe my daughter’s mother has cursed me! She once told me a story of he childhood in Trinidad & Tobago of hanging with an old woman in the forest and continuallly returning to see her. She says everyone in the villiage was terrified of the woman they called the witch! Every since i left her i’ve had extremely bad luck & can’t get rid of a terrible body odor. And she constantly asks if i’m in a relationship.

Victoria // Jan 15, 2009 at 5:51 am

how to remove black magic spell, if some one doing on me.

can not sleep, bad dream, every body act negative to me either out side , can not get job. dream of ghost etc.

help me

Jamie // Feb 15, 2009 at 8:04 pm

I need help, my daughters godmother cast a spell on me so that I would be alone forever and since then I have not had any luck being in a relationship…men dont even have any interest in me and I am lonely…I want to remove this spell so my daughter and I can have a family like we should and add on to it. Someone please help!

yusra // Mar 25, 2009 at 5:12 am

One of my family member has cast a spell on me and i know it’s not my imagination since i have had so many bad dreams lately. I have never dreamt of something like that. I was told about it but i didn’t pay attention and now everything seems so true. I don’t know what to do. They are trying to put hurdles in my education and love life. Please help me!

manuel lopez // Apr 16, 2009 at 4:23 am

My son is acting strange like whenever she is called by her ugly girlfriend, he succumb and follow the girl like a dog. I prayed hard to end their relationship but to no avail.
I wish their relationship ends and my son back to his normal sense. Pls help

Renee // May 13, 2009 at 11:06 pm

I belive my kids father has had a spell on me for over 16 years from the time I left him. He ran a guy off we were so in love and starting hating each other I was told the he had gone to someone and put a man and a woman in a grave and turn us against each other. It took me a very long time to get over him. I had to move to another state. Now I’m married and was with child and lose it both time after I came incontact with him. please advise me on what I need to do to remove this spell. He has a wife but still trys control my life. I need to get on it sence that nothing gose right for me . please get this witch doctor off my back. I have now move to another state and he still has control. please help

gunnuck suraj // May 22, 2009 at 10:17 am

hello i’m mauritius and i’m suffering from black magic since 4 years i wish if someone can help me to get this out of me ! please please

aleesha // Jun 4, 2009 at 10:51 am

hi my name is aleesha i have nmy own husband doing black magic on me who is really good at there job to remove it in 7 days can you email me back please why do people do black magic on other poeple are they jealous on a person or stupied to do it

Vicky V // Jun 10, 2009 at 11:52 am

I have a friend who I am absolutley certain has a black love or obsession spell of some sort hanging over his head. I want to help him. The only spell I found is to cleanse a dead person. Of course I’ve edited it but the spell still isn’t specifically for his situation. If he actually dies from some freak accident, reguardless what it’s from, I’d feel responsible. Help? is my real email

Karen // Jun 10, 2009 at 5:46 pm

I had a spell put on me, by a past friend, when I was a teenager. I was in a terrible car accident when I was 19 years old, 1976. I should have died. I am still haunted by terrible happenings.
How can I change this?

mayra // Jun 21, 2009 at 5:52 am

I need help I want my ex back to me

Rahim Jindani // Jun 24, 2009 at 4:11 am

how can i know i have been black spelled plz help me to know i am suffering from many problems … pain in body … extreme hunger every hour …i go to dr they said u fine … i face failures every where plz guide me

Lithius // Jul 5, 2009 at 5:22 am

Hello to everyone seeing this, if you need anyhelp email me at and i will help you get rid of the evil filling your life and return you to balance

Blessed be

Shun // Jul 12, 2009 at 6:55 am

How do you find out who the person is??? If they are secretly doin black magic how do you reaveal the person?

Annabella // Jul 24, 2009 at 9:24 pm

Pleeease help me!
My husband’s mistress cast black magic on me & I don’t know how to safely remove it w/out causing further harm to myself. It is making me physically ill, blisters, big water blisters, all over my hands & fingers, vomitting, hair falling out, pain in my stomach & back all the time, no sleeping, can’t think, i get feelings like I am “crazy” all the time, like I am going insane!!!
What should I do??

Vijay laxmi // Aug 18, 2009 at 4:38 am

How do you find out who the person is??? If they are secretly doin black magic how do you reaveal the person?

DONALD // Aug 23, 2009 at 2:00 am

like many herein mentioned i feel like i have a problem with a negative entity which is causing me concern and loss of self esteem. can you assist in removing this entity from my surrondings

Nika // Sep 27, 2009 at 1:29 pm

Call 8322068620. Ask for Zina she can help

Diana // Oct 13, 2009 at 12:35 am

I don’t know if I am a person that has a black magic spell on me it’s just that I have constant nightmares my life is just a worry everyday there is not one day that goes by that when I think all is ok then something goes wrong as soon as I seek Help then things just goes worse in my life

Anonymous // Oct 14, 2009 at 7:02 am

I am both scared and beaten up to an extent that ‘am clueless and still existin’ lik’ a walkin’
dead body. It’s been since 2+ yrs that ‘am totally withdrawn and ‘am facing only failures, mental harassments,negativities and insults and hurts and a feeling of loathing and
decaying. I was fast,capable,efficient,strong, helpful,kind,esteemed and with more people around to help wherever i go and in all that i do.Now everything is reversed.every little
step that i take and everywhere i go, ‘am
abused,harassed,victimized,insulted and mistreated until i run. Things got nasty at my workspace and i resigned voluntarily on takin’ up close to 3 different jobs.’am not sure if blackmagic s true or ‘am a victim ‘cuz of sum1 doin that on me. i don’ know what to do. technically ‘am an orphan ‘cuz i cum from a shattered fly and ‘ve experienced a miserable childhood. i live alone n hav’ no one
except my fiance and he ‘s putting up with me and is takin’ care of me as i’ve sum bankbalance to support myslf too for the moment. i am
scared to take up any job ‘cuz of uncontrolled miseries.
my neighbors,friends,colle ague s and absolutely everybody are against me . i and my fiance fight almost everyday and i get bad dreams a lot and my nose was blee ding out of dryness and my anger goes too high no matter how hard i try to control. ‘am scared to suicide ‘cuz just in case if i don’ die n b alive , i neither can spend on medicine nor do i have sum1 to attend to me. my mother and my 3 elder sisters have their own lives n i will beg for a cure for i’ve tried prayin and prayin but nothing se e m to work. Ple ase te ll me if sum1 can lead me to remove this from me .God s still a myste ry. or i can pay up to 30000, is there any1 to murder me pls.

AARYAN // Jan 20, 2010 at 12:46 pm

Symptoms of Black Magic: Beginning Phase

* Feeling like you have hit a brick wall; as if life stopped at a certain point in the recent past
* Sudden illness- fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, can’t get out of bed/too sick or too tired
* Intense Depression, sudden (disinterest in those things that make you happy/family, hobbies, etc.)
* Hopelessness about moving forward in life, as if you can’t physically continue because you don’t have the strength
* Fear and Panic
* Increase of irritation and Anger, if not typically a part of your personality
* Hazy thinking, forgetfulness.
* Feeling generally imbalanced, not feeling “yourself”.
* General malaise, unwellness, fatigue.
* Extra stress in your body, tightness in certain areas, neck and shoulders is common.
* Chills and goosebumps.
* Sleep is interrupted, unrestful.
* No recollection of dreams/occasional nightmares.
* Thirst at night.
* People reacting to you in a strange way; your good intentions become misunderstood.
* Things stop going as you expect them to; they turn sour.
* Sudden minor accidents within a short period of time.
* You sense other people may not want to be around you.
* Conflicts and confrontations arise unexpectedly, people seem to be acting strange toward you.
* Career problems, including a block in the influx of money.

AARYAN // Jan 20, 2010 at 12:47 pm

Symptoms of Black Magic for Spiritual people:

* Spiritual practice suddenly becomes uninteresting or undesirable or the opposite, it suddenly becomes an addiction.
* You notice that more negative people have been gravitating toward you.
* Feel the need for extra healing treatments, or the same amount of spiritual practice to sustain you before, is not as efficient.
* You meditations have subtley changed, the power has decreased in intensity.
* You find you can’t pinpoint your chakras while meditating. They seem inaccessible in a strange way, or so heavy and dark that they seem they will never be cleared.

Pentacle Power

Symptoms of Black Magic: Intermediate Phase

* Feeling of heaviness and Depression that does not subside no matter what.
* Pervasive Negative Thinking, always expecting the worst, and that is what happens.
* Anger and Irritation increase.
* Constant, uncontrollable crying.
* Incredibly mentally unstable.
* Occasional thoughts of suicide.
* Skewed perceptions of life and what is happening, or people tell you your perception is skewed. Or you doubt your perceptions.
* Lack of concentration/processing information is difficult/reading and memory is impaired.
* You see smoke or black dots everywhere, and in your energy body.
* Tightness and Heaviness turns to pain in body, especially in shoulders, neck and chest.
* Heaviness on your Chest, intense pressure on your sternum.
* Infections, viruses, recurring illnesses.
* Non/specific pain increases in your body, that no allopathic doctor can find a reason for.
* Illnesses, chronic and critical, in which no allopathic doctor can find reasons for.
* Constant headache or recurring Migraines in short periods of time.
* Stomach bloats like a pregnant woman and the area right above the navel tightens/when touched feels like a golf ball is inside.
* Epilepsy/Seizures/Convulsions and Fainting/Sudden falling down/losing consciousness.
* Tourette’s Syndrome
* Schizophrenia
* Dissociative Identity Disorder
* Probable increase in hunger and thirst.
* Complexion darkens, as does your life.
* Nervous System interruptions/ twitching of body parts that does not cease.
* Weakened areas are more effected, which means more physical pain in those areas.
* Digestive complications and pain, recurring food poisoning, what feels like stomach bacterias, and chronic constipation.
* Skin itches, burns or stings, or different parts of your body have these needle like pains.
* Kidney pains, exhaustion of kidneys/adrenals.
* Speaking in other languages.
* Abnormal physical strength.
* Aversion to Godly items, places, or prayers.
* More interrupted Sleep/Insomnia.
* Dreams of Dead bodies, Dirty places like toilets, or Demons.
* Dreams of snakes, scorpions, or spiders.
* Waking suddenly, in fear.
* Feeling as if your bed drops out from under you when falling asleep.
* Night terrors.
* You love your partner, wife/husband, family when they are away from you, but when they are physically near you, you hate them and want to be away from them.
* Other people avoid you/people tell you they do not want to be your friend, or suddenly fall away from your life.
* Significant increase in addictive behaviors.
* Constant arguments and discord with your loved ones and friends.
* Sudden separation or loss of job, friends, money, lover, wife/husband, anything and/or everything important to your well-being.
* Total Isolation/feeling nobody understands you, so you try to be alone as often as possible.
* Signs from Nature involving death and destruction, people being unexpectedly killed in front of you in a violent manner, etc./crows, which are associated with magic, may cross your path from left to right, or flying above, typically with flesh in their mouth. This is a serious sign that magic is being done to kill you and you should take action right away.

AARYAN // Jan 20, 2010 at 12:49 pm

Symptoms of Black Magic/Demonic Possession: Advanced Phase

In advanced stages of Black Magic, there is usually Entity Possession/Spirit Attachment. Demonic possession and spirit attachment are very different. Demonic possession is much more serious. The symptoms of black magic listed below also fit symptoms of Demonic Possession, in combination with all the above symptoms.

* Critical illness/possibly of more than one family member/allopathic doctors cannot find the source of the illness.
* Medicines do not work, and allopathic medicine does not work, probably makes them worse, confusing doctors or they are telling you there is nothing wrong.
* Cancer.
* Suicidal attempts/Family members contemplating suicide/Overwhelming impulses to self-torture with suicidal or homicidal risk.
* Total self destruction through substance abuse/addictions.
* Ravishing hunger, hungry again not long after eating.
* Heart attacks/intense heart pain that feel like heart attacks, and come suddenly/can be several in one day.
* Incredible thirst, possibly caused also by stress.
* Your waking state is like a horror movie every minute with no sense of relief except short periods while sleeping. Waking is torture.
* You feel it is difficult to come back to your body after you have been sleeping. You feel you must fight to get back in your body or wake up.
* You experience entities or energies trying to attack or kill you while sleeping. You remember running from them.
* You see dark shadows in your room/around you when you try to sleep.
* Slashes/cuts/claw marks on your body when you wake from sleeping.

Symptoms of Black Magic/Demonic Possession in Women:

* Bruises around your reproductive area when you wake from sleeping.
* Dreams of being raped or having sexual intercourse with someone or something else while you are asleep, possibly resulting in a real orgasm.
* Erratic menstrual periods, either no period at all, or very irregular, or excruciatingly painful periods that are completely debilitating.
* Unable to conceive children/barren because of blocks caused by magic or possession.
* Recurring miscarriages, even though there are no physical problems.
* Irritation in vagina/feelings of yeast infections/pain and burning/Leukorrhea.

Symptoms of Black Magic/Demonic Possession for Spiritual People:

* All of the symptoms that I have written previously all worsen to a point where you are living a psychic nightmare, and being dismembered slowly seems less cruel.
* Death would be relief and you wish that you no longer had a body so you did not have to live it one more minute.
* The torture and pain for a spiritual person is unimaginable and not something you want to experience, if left untreated.
* Take action at the first signs.

AARYAN // Jan 20, 2010 at 12:50 pm

None of these steps alone will lead to a complete removal of black magic. There is a 90% chance that you will need a healer to help you. But, if you follow these steps below, the effects will be immediately reduced. The things I have written below are the only reason I am still alive today. If you do them in combination, they will greatly help you.

1. You must know for sure if you are truly a victim of black magic. Black magic and the removal of black magic is a very serious matter and should not be confused with other conditions. See the Symptoms of Black Magic page and be sure to take the Self Help Quiz if you are not sure. Many people are blaming their problems on magic, and this should be avoided at all costs. Psychological issues must be ruled out first.

2. You must be willing to change. Many people say they want to change, but when it boils down to it, they do not want to make the steps necessary to heal. Changing means letting go of the old, and starting new and staying open and be willing to learn.

People who attempt to heal you, without addressing your emotional nature and thought processes, will NOT be completely removing your magic.

Removing black magic spells will probably take every ounce of your being and strength. Without the willingness to change, you will not heal. I could tell you the cure for cancer, but if you are not open to hear it, it will not matter. It is the same in learning how to remove black magic.

3. Chant the name of God. If you don’t have God in your life, then it is critical that you find God now. God is the only one who truly knows how to remove black magic and is the only one who will really do it for you. He may use healers to help you, but it is God who will heal.

4. Pray often. As often as time permits. Every minute should be spent in thinking of God. This is critical: The more you think of God, the more he will place His attention on you.

5. Be Specific. Many years I kept saying in my prayers, “Please help me. Please stop this suffering.” This is not specific enough. “Please grant me the total removal of black magic from my life permanently and forever now,” is a specific prayer.

6. Visit Holy Places. Going to a church, mosque, temple, ashram or anything of the sort is highly recommended, especially to pray. Visit these places as often as you can, because they will probably give you a slight sense of relief from your symptoms.

7. Visit Self Realized/Enlightened people, Avatars and Saints. Visit people you consider to be Holy as often as you can. By Holy, I mean connected to the highest divine Godly vibration at all times. How can you know if someone is truly Holy? Well, the fastest way you can know is that your black magic symptoms and other cares and worries will either totally disappear in their presence, or they will drastically decrease to a point of being almost non-existent. They know how to remove black magic and can do so in an instant, if it is God’s Will.

8. Keep Quiet. Unless you are speaking to a healer about removing black magic spells or finding out about one, do not speak about the black magic with anyone, except those who are involved in it with you. No average person will know how to remove black magic, so speaking to them about it is only perpetuating the negativity.

9. Stay Positive. This one is tough. I know. Sometimes you are so unable to hold a positive thought that you are sure they do not exist at all. This is a must in learning how to remove black magic. But it is important to try to fight and stay as positive as you possibly can in every circumstance.

10. Purify Yourself. This means immediately stop drinking alcohol, having sex, eating meat or fish, taking drugs, or engaging in ANY kind of addictive behaviors at all. All of these aggravate the negative tendencies in and around you and you need to bring as much light into your life as possible for the removal of black magic.

11. Pray on everything that goes in your Mouth. Even water. Anything that you ingest needs to be blessed by God and must be intended by you first. It is best if you prepare your own food and eat it yourself, then the energies from the black magic victim are not spread further within the family.

12. Eat Food from your own Home, from your own hands ONLY. Do NOT take food from strangers or from people you do not know that well. Even if it is to be nice or if it may be a Godly offering, unless it is handed to you by a fully Enlightened person, Saint, or Avatar. Only then will the food be completely pure.

13. Burn White Candles whenever you are home. The power of a white candle cannot be described in words. The purity of the light emanating from a white candle has the ability to protect and draw Godly energy into the room and space. It is highly protective. I have been known to sleep with one on, but do not leave candles burning unattended. Ever. Take my word for it.

14. Play Religious music in your home. Find music that praises God and that makes you feel happy and uplifted. This also includes chantings of sacred scriptures. Avoid music that is not holy in nature or that boasts of sex, drugs, or violence.

15. Try not to react to anything. The best thing you can do is to not react to what is happening around you. I know how hard it is. But practice it. The more that you get upset, the worse the effects.

16. Do NOT Kill yourself. Many people in these predicaments have STRONG desires to kill themselves. Please remember it is not a natural, human desire to want to kill yourself. It is something from the spirit world that is trying to convince you that killing yourself or being dead is a good option. You must fight these thoughts and feelings.

17. Do NOT perform magic on your own. Doing so can be more damaging so do not attempt it yourself. Magic affects perceptions, so it is not safe to try to heal yourself with white magic. You must also find out the modalities that your chosen healer will use. Many people will use magic, so it is so important you find out what exactly they will do, to determine if it is black magic or not. The last thing you want is more black magic being done. Even if they say a reversal will remove black magic, it may not and your situation can worsen.

18. Find a reputable healer. Aside from chanting the name of God and praying, this is the second most important. You will not ever be completely free of these issues if you do not get someone to work on you spiritually. Many people may disagree with me, but this is what I have found to be true. Very few healers truly know how to remove black magic successfully. Be sure to ask them directly and receive a verbal affirmation that they know how to remove black magic and are familiar with removing black magic spells.

There are three things to look for in a healer: that they are honest, experienced, and pure-hearted.

A. You need to find someone who is honest and does not want to scam you out of tens of thousands of dollars. Run away from those who want you to purchase cars, houses, expensive items, or expect you to do things for them to remove black magic for you.

Healers will most likely want several thousands of dollars to fix these types of issues. This is a normal fee and the fees should be decided upon UPFRONT. If you are lucky, and living in a third world country, there is a chance you could find someone to help you for less, or even for free. But personally, from my knowledge, I think finding someone who can really help you, would not do it for free, because the treatment will be ongoing for an extended period of time.

B. Find an experienced healer. You want someone to help you who has done it before. Many, many times.

C. Find someone who is pure hearted. They would never think of doing magic to harm another. You must be sure your healer is not a black magician.

jiyyadil // Feb 9, 2010 at 5:04 am

i think someone has spelled on me i am married for a second time after lots of difficulties in the first marriage i have 2 kids but i cant conceive with this husband and doctors are saying all is normal pls help me im really disturbed may god bless u


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